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Everything posted by Yoshi-1991

  1. Yes I already knew about this, but what about the kids that just want to go to the game??
  2. I honestly don't know. I have no idea about the laws reguarding this sort of set up. But I dare say if the schools were to get involved there could be an arangmentwith teachers or ever janitors to get free entry if they volunteer or something along those lines. There would be ways to go around it. Something like this wouldnt work if you just tried to fling it together, it would need time spent over it to plan it properly.
  3. I'm not talking about a day care kind of thing. I'm talking about a set up where kids that wouldnt normally be able to go to games because they dont have anyone to take them go to gether as a sort of kids club style thing.
  4. This is the part I am realy driving at. I know the club do have a deal with local school where if they buy season tickets through the school they get them cheaper. Only know this because I used it when I was at school.
  5. Posted this in another tread but felt it should have its own. Heres an idea. Why dont they start up a supporters club for the primary school aged kids. I think we are missing a trick with this. I'm sure there are plenty of kids who are too young to go to games themselves but dont have family members willing to go. The club should make some effort to have a supervised kids group. Get into all the local schools and get the kids interested. Offer a deal with the school that if they encourage "X" amount of kids to join the club will send out a couple of (fringe) players to spend the day at their school or something, even offer a free tour of the stadium and meet the players. Get the kids in an hour or so before the game, get them to make bannors, flags, stuff like that. I'm sure the parents would encourage it aswell as it would give them a good few hours of peace at the weekend. Like we say, the kids are the future and we are missing out on a massive amount of future revenue just because these kids dont have anyone to take them to games.
  6. Heres an idea. Why dont they start up a supporters club for the primary school aged kids. I think we are missing a trick with this. I'm sure there are plenty of kids who are too young to go to games themselves but dont have family members willing to go. The club should make some effort to have a supervised kids group. Get into all the local schools and get the kids interested. Offer a deal with the school that if they encourage "X" amount of kids to join the club will send out a couple of (fringe) players to spend the day at their school or something, even offer a free tour of the stadium and meet the players. Like we say, the kids are the future and we are missing out on a massive amount of future revenue just because these kids dont have anyone to take them to games.
  7. Can the WS have a vote on this too....
  8. Got mine today, fuckin minted
  9. Looks like the board went "were fucked if we do and were fucked if we dont" and couldnt decided and left it upto the fans, good move all round. And this way, if we do vote the newco in, nobody can take it out on the club, its win win.
  10. Could Jenno have been advised to hold out to see how the Rangers transfer ban holds out until making any kind of move? Just flinging that into the mix.
  11. got it working but only for the first half. missin the best bit.
  12. cheers guys i'll give that a go.
  13. it wont even open in windows media player and with quick time its just and black and sound is wierd. try stick it up on youtube or something?
  14. doubt it, up front is the last place we need a sign anyone for, unless someone is on their way out.
  15. There use to be a sky version of the 6-6 hibs highlights on youtube but it went missing, anybody got it? Much better than the bbc version.
  16. Europe is just the cherry on top of the cake when it comes to attracting players. If we are fighting with another club for a player and both offering similar terms it can make the difference but its never going to win over more money.
  17. LOVE IT. Well done to all involved.
  18. hes good as back u to humph, but even at that we do have other options, i dont know why we gave him such a long contract.
  19. How long did we sign him for again?
  20. Watchin that 4-4.. Marsh realy Wasnt a good keeper.
  21. was anyone else realy not bothered when they scored? like realy not? I couldnt have cared less.
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