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Everything posted by Yoshi-1991

  1. hope he gets a good send of on sunday.
  2. posted the link to the petition on my wall and have a brainless rangers fan trying to argue against me. Its like trying to explain to a three year old why teletubbies were canciled
  3. fair enough. hands up i was wrong.
  4. They can still sign out of contract players.
  5. wonder is rangers might make a move for jenno or murphy with them being out of contract.
  6. Wouldnt be supprised if craggs stuck around for the Champions League, its pretty much the only thing missing from his CV. Wouldnt balme him and wouldnt grudge him it either.
  7. I done this and didnt renew my ticket either. Payed at the gate ever since. Dont have a problem spending a little more as it goes to the club.
  8. If you come out with a petol blue jobby I dont think I could afford it, would be worth a fair bit.
  9. If the media keep going on about how worthless we are without Rangers then tv companies will certainly loose interest.
  10. To be honest I would buy anything in petrol blue, I realy like the colour.
  11. Yoshi-1991


    the entire defence was on top form i thought.
  12. Mods feel free to move this into the newco chat since its gone a bit off topic.
  13. I dont know. If Rangers get straight back in and all is forgotten then I can see numbers dropping all around the league. I mean what realy is the point in supporting a league where the old firm are untouchable. I am not saying that I wont go back, I will find it very difficult though and have to think about it. I certainly wont be going to any games that involve a newco that have been allowed into the spl and havnt played and earned their way up. On the WS front. I can see members canciling their payments if they are ignored by the club.
  14. You have a point but i think the general feeling around the place is that everyone is of the same opinion. I dont want to walk away,I dont think anyone wants to, but i think theres a point we need to say enough is enough.
  15. Who ever the banner makers are, something along the lines of "Rangers in, we are out" is in order I think. If it isnt too short notice. The board need to be shown how the fans are feeling.
  16. I preffer this to my own.
  17. are flights to holland not ment to be realy cheape?
  18. The reason for the time of post was because I had just watched a video on youtube of last night and noticed Ojamma walking off instead of going over to the fans with the rest of the team. Also want to make clear I'm in no way questioning his work ethic, the wee man has been outstanding since he came.
  19. Im not having a go, was just wanting see if anyone else had noticed the same thing.
  20. wheres yer elder? Thought he would be all over this like a rash?
  21. After not celebrating his goals against st j at the weekend and not going over to celebrate with the fans like the rest of the team last night, is Ojamma in a cream puff at not getting a start?
  22. would like to see the return of the white away strip. Last seasons was cracking.
  23. I cant see hammell playing for any other spl team.
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