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Everything posted by Yoshi-1991

  1. Yoshi-1991


    i signed faddy on fm11..... it can be done
  2. i think we should drop the murphy/OF talk. its not even worth talking about.
  3. i had a peek at the sun today, not by choice i must add, and counted 5 pages at the back were all on celtic! not a mention of us anywhere!
  4. if motherwell want to grow there fan base or secure a fan base for the future then im sorry but we are going to have to accept a hit in the pocket to make that happen. free season tickets for kids whos parents are season ticket holders is all very good and well, but us most of us know, we live if old scum heart land, and alot of the kids we are tying to targets parents are all tink suporters. if we want to buck that trend in the area then let the kids in for free for a season regardless of wither there parents are season ticket holders or not. some of the money lost would be recouped through the kiosk/ club shop and these kids will grow into paying adults. madness some of you may say? well i havnt heard any other sugestions of any worth so far.
  5. thats more of a jelous thing though, its a bit too complicated for their simple minds to get to grips with
  6. is it just me or was both these pictures taken at the exact same time.
  7. somone there fancy keeping us all updated?
  8. must admit i was expecting a very different discussion when i clicked on this topic...
  9. well i must say, i hope tonight wasnt a sign that randy is off...
  10. i was undecided for years on this, but this season tipped the scale for me, having to wade through pish is just that bit too far.
  11. anyone be there who can keep us upto date?
  12. thats what is was trying to say, didnt put it very well right enough.
  13. does that work the other way aswell then? were Celtic the Motherwell of Glasgow after signing Pearson or Mcdonald, or every year when they are linked with faddy? after one or two games i recon most of us would forget who he even played for before us. nobody was bothered when we have signed ex old firm players before, so why start now?
  14. if we got offered novo and turned him down then there would be serious questions in need of answering.
  15. would just like to clear up, i didnt say i was in favour of these changes, just that i can see them being proposed in the future.
  16. well, with fir parks days being numbered, whats next for motherwell?? With a move away, what else is going to change? Im sure most of us have thought about it at some point so I want to see what everyones opinion is. the first obvious question is with the relocation, will the club change the badge? I mean we will no longer be at fir park so having it on the crest would seem a little silly wouldnt it? and if they do that, will they move to change to colours? to somthing more marketable perhaps? now I know what most of you will be thinking.. "dont be rediculous" "outrage!" "its our history"ect. but when I thought about it more i started to come round to the idea of some changes. now as much as we love our C&A colours, what harm would it do to change them? well, I know a number of motherwell fans off hand that dont buy home shirts because they dont like the colours. I have never seen a non motherwell fan wearing a motherwell top. i mean most of us pick out tops from other leugues by colour of design, so to change to apeal to a bigger market would only do good for the club right? and to the people that say "its our history, tradition, ect". well, whats wrong with making our own history? i mean im not sayin we should remove everything that makes us who we are, but some changes for the better are good. i can imagine when our colours were changed from blue to C&A there was alot of people made unhappy by this, but they got use to it, and now its part of our history. anyway im interested in finding out what everyone else thinks and feels. and can you think of any other changes that might come up?
  17. i am still mentally disfugured from my ordeal, wheres mine?
  18. neil lennon will get the jail for batterin a hearts fans. "super" ally will take rangers into relegation, get the sack, and go into hiding. broon will keel over at the touchline and grab his left arm while the sheep get pumped 12-1 off st midden. the hearts deffender sex offender will get the sack and end up workin behind the pie stand at his beloved easter road. the lesser of two lennons will be off i would imagine and billy reid will take his place when he gets the sack after kickin the shit out of his *star* ally crawford for scoring and over head kick that bursts the net, causing them to spend £20 that they cant afford to replace them. scott brown will head butt himself in the face and be out for the season. Well will win both cups with no bother and big stuart will be given the key to the town. who will win the title?.....pft dumfermline...why not.
  19. boke! so much cheese you should be in an american movie!
  20. the next person that calls motherwell a roller coaster should be banned... no no not banned.. shot! its the worst saying i have ever heard.... makes me cringe so it does.
  21. wouldnt suprise me, cant see there being a big amount of Well fans attending.
  22. got to say i was never his biggest fan, somtimes he played imence and others he just made stupid mistakes that cost us dearly... see the 6-6 game with hibs for an example. his distabution was poor, couldnt pass to save himself. made some decent challenges but then other times would let himself down with positioning. keep him, we have a far better player in hutchinson.
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