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Everything posted by Yoshi-1991

  1. sounds like somone is beatin one out all the way through that...
  2. had a look through their forum, and... craigan is a h*n, lasley is a thug, and we are all sectarian...... not to mention that they are all victums.....oooooo suprise su-fuckin-prise....
  3. i recon if it had only been 1-0 then it would have been harder to take, seen a few guys red eyed though.
  4. seargent pepper tought the band to play
  5. well, we are ment to be getting heavy rain on saturday.
  6. got to say it doesnt bother me in the slightest. the logo doesnt stand out at all, blends in well, and if you are realy honest with yourself, how often do you realy notice a sponser anyway? especial when the colours blend in and and dont stand out in your face. i mean i could mibi name 5 out of the spl alone off the top of my head. money in the bank at the end of the day which is only ever a good thing.
  7. you make it sound like some kind of disabilaty or sexual orientation.....
  8. bin away, i think my point has been pissed anyway.
  9. again my point has been missed, i have believe, i know we have a chance, mibi its just from watching the game today, or mibi its from going through the same thing before and ending up gutted. honestly, im probably just pretecting myself from getting a huge dissy next week.
  10. i think my point has been totally missed, im not saying dont get carried away, i have sure got my head in the clouds.
  11. would stay away from rutherglen, will be crawling with the smellies, im gettin a coach thats leaving lanark at 12 so we will be in hampden rather early, need a gathering spot for Well fans.
  12. im not meaning it like that, the other page just doesnt seem realistic at time, people getting carried away, iv done it myself. like i say, my heart says a win, head we loose.
  13. nah i dont mean that, we could win, my opinon keeps changing. i just mean with hitting out with 18-0 or whatever is just ripping it.
  14. I think some people are either on the wind up or smack....
  15. Yoshi-1991


    was between hollis and carswell for me, went for the young chap, done well playing with there being such a big crowd.
  16. Right, this is the page for no bull shit, no fannying about and day dreaming. This is where you spill your true thoughts about the final, and your REAL score prediction. I Hope more than anything we can do it next week, my heart says 2-1 Motherwell, my head says 5-0 Celtic..... now its your turn...spill.
  17. ok, bit of realism, the chances of us winning this are pretty slim, im not trying to put a downer on it, im as full of hope as everyone. if we are going to stand a chance they lads need to work on their deffence, and attckin set pieces, as i recon its our best chance of scoring into them. side question, but does a red card this w/e put you out for the final?
  18. that article put him at one million, lets face it, if a player in england was playing the way he is they would be quoted at god only knows how many times that.
  19. is there a way to let the club know you have already got tickets and no longer need your name in the ballot? im sure im not the only person in this position so would mean somone else in the ballot who wouldnt get ticket now would.
  20. just make sure its not played over the tannoy at the final otherwise the stinky minkys might steel it for themselves.
  21. why would anyone want him back?
  22. if we were able to keep hold of jenno then i wouldnt bother taking hughes back.
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