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Everything posted by Yoshi-1991

  1. thats why i thought of it, cant think of any other teams using it either.
  2. or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9hMLnmeNm4
  3. like i say i just think that chorus is about us!! but how about? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbg7YoXiKn0
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDBlqu6KF4k one of my favourite songs of all time, sums me up pretty well, and the chorus was just writen for motherwell i recon, sums up everything we stand for.
  5. they could run a comp between the schools, best decorated classroom gets free tickets to a game, or a school trip to the stadium ect, get a couple of players to judge/ present the winner, free wrist bands or badges to runners up. good way to get the youngsters in about the club aswell. might not be phisicaly visable from outside but gets the kids and parents invoved, generate excitment....
  6. I personally think 4-5-1 is the way to go the strongest way to do this i recon is ----------------------randolph-------------------- ross------hutchison----craigan-hammell humphrey-lasley---jennings-hateley-murphy ------------------- sutton----------------------------- with sutton up front and murphy cutting between midfiled and up front then we should be able to out fight them in the middle where we realy need to win our battles to give us a chance, it would also give us a reasonably strong bench aswell with jeffers, gunning, saunders, forbes, mchugh.
  7. dont realy want to go down the installment rout as im payed by the hour and my work is shit with hours so never know how much im goin to get payed each month.... like i said before though, regular pay at the gate fans are actually paying more that season ticket holders, so i dont get the whole " season tickets are paying for priority" thing. i think if the club were clever about it, next season what they should do is hand out booklets for pay at the gate fans, the fans get the booked stamped at the turn style (which would take less that 5 seconds to do) and there is a record of how many home games they have attended, so when these big occasion come up, we dont loose out! it doesnt have to be a page per stamp, it can be 2-3 pages and each page broken into sections so there is no excuse for cost, or even a template put on the website for fans to download and print out themselves, so there is NO cost to the club at all.....
  8. seriously pissed off with this, as i have said before i dont have a season ticket due to not being able to pay such a large amount of money all at one time, but i pay at the gate EVERY home game, so just because I dont have a season ticket I could loose out on the final to some rangers/ celtic/ part time fan, realy not happy with this, and has totaly made me consider not going to games next season at all. no doubt i wont get much sympathy from season ticket holders who normaly take the moral high ground with the usual " we pay £££ for a season ticket so we should get priority". would like to state that pay at the gate fans who attend every game pay alot more to the club, and this is how we are treated....
  9. should do this for the celtic end...
  10. well i must say, recently i have been feeling less excited and more nervous about the cup, i think realism had hit after celtics recent results, however... i went round to my dads tonight for a bbq, and he told me he is more than confident of motherwell winning 3-0, obviously i laughed at this, but he then went on to say he was so confident of it thats hes goin to hit the bookies and stick a tenner on it! ( mibi not a big deal to anyone here but it is to me, my dad NEVER bets). his preminition is we will go in at half time 2-0 up then bang in another just before the end. got to say its filled me full of faith for the final and i cant wait now! BELIEVE!!!
  11. away top is better than the home if you ask me.
  12. a bit OTT considering the last game is an away game....
  13. i ment that along with the season tickets aswell, i mean just because you dont have a season ticket doesnt mean you shouldnt be able to get a ticket for the final, i dont have a season ticket due to not being able to aford to pay a large amount all at one time, but i pay at the gate every week, spending more money than the adverage season ticket holders spends through out the season ( not trying to sound pompus, its just a fact). im more looking at it in the view that "TRUE" fans get tickets ( season ticket holders and regular goers) over part timers and celtic fans that cant get tickets for their own end. and if somone missed the semi final for personal reasons then im sure they will know somone able to get a ticket for them, be it somone they know personaly or through the forums.
  14. people who bought semi final tickets should have priority, the club have all the names aswell since you had to fill out a form when buying one, they should let you buy three per ticket or somthing, so if you bought 2 tickets for the semi final you can buy 6 for the final, if you bought three you can get 9 and so on.
  15. bastard!! iv been descovered!! but seriously, that sort of shit makes my blood boil.
  16. kick his f*ckin head in!! what a wanker!! mon lads! wishy general right now!
  17. is there not a place in pishy wishy that does this kind of thing?...
  18. well when i was walkin to my seat i seen it sitting there, never paid any attention and by the time i got there i was gone.....
  19. just got to say, that i seen a good few people stealing till roll for other peoples seats (mine included) which ruined it. thats how we ended up with the timing being off and bits randomly being thrown ect.
  20. jus read that the club are fighting for a 50/50 split of the tickets. good on them!
  21. well, it would certainly turn plenty of celtic fans bloody too jelly...
  22. fuck it, lets get decked out in rangers tops and bring out the union jack, will fule the "h**s with no bus fair" fire and wind those bastards right up.
  23. i would field the back up players with the instuctions to kick lups out of celtic, they will field there best 11 in a bid to win the title, so a few injuries to there key players wouldnt go a miss.
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