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Everything posted by Yoshi-1991

  1. my thoughts and feelings? well, i cant help but get excited.... and i know i shouldnt... if we are ever to get to the final then it couldnt be more on a plate for us than it is now. in saying that.... i cant help but let my mind drift back to the huge dissy i had in that europa game.... i dont like the fact that the games have been drawn before hand... it makes me even more nervous than i already was... but.... MON THE WELL!!!
  2. i pooped, farted then fell asleep..... I was a baby....
  3. i would, but no one seems to want to go, plus means spending more money, which if i had, i would be going to the game.
  4. anyone know if there will be any pubs in carluke playing the game?...
  5. Yoshi-1991

    Celtic Forum

    aw come on... we are neds aparently... so just kick his fuckin head in and be done with it
  6. Yoshi-1991

    Celtic Forum

    and apart from anything else, they have a cheek, saying we bumpsongs! i have a mate that suports liverpool and spits at the name celtic for one specific reason...
  7. Yoshi-1991

    Celtic Forum

    born? they wernt born mate they landed here mind?
  8. Yoshi-1991

    Celtic Forum

    have to say, i find it halarious that they call US, neds haha have they looked around at their own fans recently?... bunch of brain dead goons. kind of makes me happy that we piss them off enough that they have to start a topic about, oh well FUCK THE MOULDY FIRM!
  9. i take it this means we wont be keeping hold of gunning then..
  10. bit of a non-question if you ask me, any team from the spl would do well in the english leugues if they had the same money. as far as reynolds goes, you can keep him, too many stupid mistakes for my liking, hutchy is doing a better job if you ask me. never realy rated coke if im honest, strong midfielder but didnt feel he contrabuted that much to the team.
  11. what a day for them to come over!! hope they were giving it big licks along with the rest of us! probably picked up a few new swear words they hadnt heard before to take home with them! have to say when they said they were comming over for the celtic game i thought it might have been a bit of a disapointing trip for them, realy glad they got to see such a big win! welcome back over anytime lads, you seem to bring the luck with you!
  12. not seen any comments about it but did hutchys header from the corner not cross the line? look over from where i was sitting.
  13. thats wierd, i have used my student card for the past 2 games and both times at diffent gates, got in no problem.
  14. not being funny, but look how fucking sexy that pitch is for the end of the season!
  15. Yoshi-1991

    St Mirren

    i didnt think gunnins heart was realy in it last night, lasley, god bless him no one trys harder but he didnt have his best game last night although hes been outstanding all season so hes allowed an off game. the humph and murphy seemed to be afraid to run at the deffence. yet to see sutton win a header while staying on his feet. big tom wasnt realy in the game last night, no fault of his own, just the way the game was, when he did see the ball he done not to badly. again the same with jennings, didnt realy do too much but done well when deffending. jeffers is too clever to play for us, he see's things and trys things and no one around him is catching on, if the rest of the team were quick enough to react to his plays and moves then we would be scoring alot more goals. craigain was sold in challeges but his distrabution was terrable, gave the ball staight back to them. hutchison was the best player in C&A last night, and for his age, is a better player that reynolds was when he broke into the team.
  16. wooooo, i mean come on, cant be to positive on here! might give somone an anurism.
  17. I hope this is a joke. the guys only been in the door 2mins, give him a chance. he seems to know where he wants to take the club and has a vision. hes came in at a hard time with little to work with, trying to build a team from what was left behind. give him the summer to build a squad and work with them, and if things ante working out by december then you can say whatever you like. untill then, hold back, support the bloke and give him a proper chance.
  18. i think the fact that this worries me speeks alot for john. thanks for all you have done and good luck in the future!
  19. as i said in a previous thread, a banner with simply " no respect" would hurt him the most, shows we have no good feelings towards him or the time he spend with us. shows he erased all that in the space of a day.
  20. shhhhhat myself. thought they had scored there.
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