If he stays because he only wants to be here - Ideal.
If he stays because no-one else comes in for him - fine by me.
Like a lot of others, some of the things he comes out with rub me up the wrong way, but its just a fraction of the amount that he rubs fans of other clubs up the wrong way, and thats perfect. When you get a man as outspoken as Mark McGhee, you arent going to like or agree with everything he says, but personally as long as the bulk of it is from the point of view of being behind us and talking us up, thats fine. It's a long way from the days of managers publicly stating that we weren't good enough, and listing the things that we couldnt do. Sure maybe some of it is a bit over ambitious at times, but I very much subscribe to the "us against the world" mentality, and McGhees comments, even the ones I dont agree with, always seem to come from that stance, so thats spot on for me.