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Everything posted by texanwellfan

  1. Prize to the person who correctly identifies the exact number of spelling mistakes I made in that last post :-) Prize: free Barrel of beer. You just have to pick it up on your way by my house :-)
  2. Surprised it hasn't been mentioned but the only way it will get better is with technology, video replays etc. Doesn't have to get like american football but FFS it's obvious that the officials need help. I think most people would agree that they are not biased just that they make mistakes. So moaining and bitching to SFA or whoever will do no good becuase they have no way of stopping the officials from making mistakes. I think the game could be allowed to flow and any crucial incedents could be very quickly reviewd as the game went on and within seconds a word in the refs ear piece could instruct him as to the correct call. All beint a few seconds late. Worth a few seconds to get the right call especially nowadays when there could be so much money at stake............................... or alternatively we could keep track of how many mistakes the officials make AND THE PLAYERS and only bitch of the ref makes more mistakes than the players. That would probably do away with 99% of the bitching :-)
  3. Hope we get him back soon and all the others get over their knocks. We need as many points as we can get thru november 'cause December looks like a nightmare. 4 out of 5 games Away.... Aberdeen, Dundee Utd, Celtic and Accies and the 1 home game is against Rangers. BAH HUMBUG!!
  4. OK we have 10 games before we meet the O.F. 2 weeks on the trot. How many points do you think we can muster by then and how will it comapre to where we were last year at christmas time?
  5. I think its safe to assume everyone would like to see us play great entertaining stuff AND get the points. but I think you have to do whats needed to get the points while you work on prettying up the football. if you don't manage that by end of season at least you have a shit load of points. if you stay with the pretty stuff and work on getting the points and you don't manage that by the end of the season, your pretty footballing arses are relegated. Its like the need to work on defence first before attack so you can at least keep yourself in a game.
  6. OH dear! Really??? Haven't been much to Fir park since I moved to Texas in 1989 and I don't recall them playing it at Hampden in 1991. Managed to make the odd game there over the years but suppose i must wander in after the players are out on the field. Last game I saw at fir park was probably Aberdeen on a wed night in Nov of 2005. If I remember correctly the east stand was still terracing?? If it had seats we weren't sitting. But my wee grandson here (3) loves running around in his motherwell strip and randomly lets out a shout now and again of " C'mon Motherwell"
  7. After supporting this bunch for almost 50 years When all is weighed up and taken into account this has a home defeat written all over it!! How can it be anythign else. I have never been so convinced that a home defeat is on the cards. St Mirrens crappy record, us in third the teams below looking to drop points.........tell me this isn't a classic Motherwell blows it again scenario. No other option. Therfore my forecast is motherwell 5 St Mirren 0. I have never been that right about anything so It must be wrong hence the forecast :-) See what it does to your mind after all these years supporting the well. Up the Well............any of you guys remember or ever hear the song by Coling Stuart ( I think ) if there are any copys of the record stillavaiable please seek them out and destroy them. Made Andy Stewarts records almost sound bearable.
  8. what are the options to get into europe again next year? Is it still top 2 teams for campions league? Does league cup winner get a europa league spot? Scottish cup winner gets a spot. how high do we need to finish to get a spot for league position? I know it all depends on who wins what and where they are in the league but not sure how many spots are up for grabs. Also if we drop to only being allowed 1 team in champions league that pretty much takes away a europa league spot since one of the old firm will no doubt grab onbe of those places.
  9. This thread is also a breath of fresh air after the ones over the past couple of days. The defeat hurt but look at us being al miffed cause we didn't make the group stages...............aren't we just on a whole new level now. it hurt, but rather be here than biting the fingernails hoping we don't get relegated. Sure there are flaws and things that could be better but for our circumstances I think we are a great wee team and as for CB and AK....they just reek of class. i think they are the perfect leaders for a club in our position. Just the way it is but i think we are basically having a new team each year and CB and AK, IMHO, know exactly how to bring on the young players. Well maybe if I can win the mega lottery over here i can inject a wee bit of cash to hold a team together for a few seasons. ( Suppose i best start buying tickets then ) I don't think we so much need money to go buy players as much as we need money to keep players.
  10. Celtic got knocked out of europe because they are crap! jeez! when's the last time you remember a Celtic manager punching the air in triumph when they "thrahsed" inverness 1-0. Cmon, a real celtic team would be embarrassed only beating them 1-0. They should not be feared. They are on a downer 'cause they got really gubbed and are just not a top level team. We got knocked out of europe, but all you have to do is read the postings on hear to realize that we are fkn really pissed off and annoyed and ragin cause we know that we really should have and could have still been in europe. Celtic are Pish with a capital P let's go right at them from the start. We have missed so many chances, at some point we are going to score a barrowload. let's make it sunday .............this is the start of our journey to europe 2011. i want back into europe next year and I want those danish Bar stewards back here to give them the pounding they deserve. get intae them C'mon the Well!!! 3-1 Motherwell
  11. Well everybody, the rollercoaster is at the bottom if anyone wants to get off!!! SOD OFF! you're not gettin my seat !! I think there are gonna be more exhilrating moments ahead on this ride!!
  12. I can feel the tension all the way over here! Try this........ I was at the gym Sunday, on treadmill ( I don't get to go to motherwell games so i have to punish myself somehow ) I was just walking at fat burning heart rate of 108 ( that might give you an idea how mingin old I am ) next thing the beeper goes and machines adjusts to lower my heart rate. Turns out, as I was spacing out on the treadmill i would start thinking about the game and my heart rate would just shoot up. Go on try it!!!! I done it several times and each time i thought about the game up it went again!
  13. thanks to whoever put up the youtube link. was just a wee bit better quality than the guy who filmed his laptop :-) but, hey! I was greatful for that too, getting to see Hately's goal! After watching it and reading all the posts on the 2 sites, I think there was only 1 person mentioned that craigan was way too far back. Lots of comments on how he should have booted the ball out, tackled, pulled him down etc when all he had to do was take 2 steps forward and utaka would have been waaay offside. Having said that, everyone makes mistakes and I believe most people would have taken a 2-1 defeat. Now I have to findout if any bar's over here ( Austin Texas ) will have the motherwell game on next week. then after that I have to decide do i go watch or not. Last time was league cup final :-( if they do make it I may have to do some massive crawlin to amass enough brownie point to come over for a group game. Last time I done that was 1991 :-) C'mon Ye Well
  14. I am still not sure he is real! I have been over here in Texas for 20 years and this was hillarious reading this thread ( miss the Scottish Humour ) and now I find out he's real!! The last "goldie" I remember is Johnny Goldthorpe :-)
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