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stephmc1886's Achievements

Reserve Team Regular

Reserve Team Regular (4/10)



  1. It's all the eggs he eats he's like Mr Strong!
  2. Or Will Fish! Yup I was gutted when he went to Hibs!
  3. These puns would drive you cuckoo!
  4. He couldnae stand the Hearts, and then we beat the h**s!
  5. Love going to Skye, my night gets even better!
  6. Best bit of that "referee" ran doon his maws leg. Absolute cretin.
  7. Heard tampax had put sleighs, bells and holly on their packaging, limited edition for the xmas period!
  8. Missed out big Vic's tackle against Hearts!
  9. 3rd official fair enjoyed that 2nd Dundee goal!
  10. He doesn't need to defend if we're up the park? The joys of modern full backs!
  11. Is there no coverage at all, no even on the radio? Grim stuff.
  12. Doesn't look like nowhere to me,if so then then half the league are write offs
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