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Everything posted by stephmc1886

  1. Balmer care homes, it's where we'll end up after watching that pish!
  2. Hope it isn't windy af tomorrow, I think we'll be out of the cup if it is!
  3. Easy tie if we take the correct app-roach!
  4. Never in doubt! Shows what a difference having Slattery back in the team makes!
  5. https://spfl.co.uk/league/rl1/table
  6. I just checked and Moult's younger than KVV!
  7. Kevin fucking Clancy though, worst "ref" in the country.
  8. Nail on head grizzly!
  9. Then there's rule 7. For serious, missed incidents in matches. They must be watching the entire game so no reason not to include offsides.
  10. Pity we couldnae kick oor ain arse!
  11. Seems to be a recurring theme though TBF I think Goss is carrying an injury, I don't think a midfield 3 of Slattery, McGuire and Cornelius would be any worse.
  12. Agree, I thought Maguire knocked his pan in covering for the hide and seek champs in midfield!
  13. If any of our newer/foreign players aren't sure about who Imrie is, just show them the game when he was picking his nose instead of shaking hands! Vile wee cretin!
  14. The way things are going it'll be colt teams in the lower leagues, this seems like the favoured plan!
  15. I'm no sure, thought he was a bit of a liability when he came on last week!
  16. Doesn't look like it, us paupers need to listen to the wireless lol!
  17. Accies win, all it will take is a note to their players and they'll realise that we're pish lol!
  18. That note that Brian Rice sent on to Gogic in that Accies game has ended our season! Wonder what it said?!
  19. £60 a year to listen to games I can't make it to? Sportsound it is then, I'm skint!
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