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About BarnsleyFCFan

  • Birthday 08/23/1987

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  1. The past couple of years we've played the odd friendly against the likes of Alfreton Town, where you can not only buy a pint in the ground but take it back in to the terrace and watch the match while supping. Unfortunately, as previously pointed out the minority of morons stop this from happening at "real" games. I remember my first ever visit to Fir Park, and I asked them which beers they were serving, cue the confused looks
  2. He was supposedly the next Vaz Te after we turned his career around, but from the noises coming out of the club he just wasn't interested, didn't want to train and knuckle down. We ended up sending him out on loan to Dagenham & Redbridge before releasing him.
  3. The same one we've just released? Good prospect, no commitment or desire though.
  4. Better tell Rovrum this, they're trying to charge us £15 as if we're part of the European elite
  5. £15 for Cowdenbeath and Forest are a bit pricey for pre season friendlies! In my opinion, of course
  6. Our fans love him, he seems to have really embraced Barnsley as his 2nd home. He runs around a lot and gives 100% but whether he's good enough for the Championship is another question. Can't fault the guys effort.
  7. You're more than welcome to him if you want him back!
  8. I love listening to all the rumours, doesn't mean I believe any of them though. Some of them are comical too.
  9. Follow Rob Staton on Twitter for updates, you may have to wade through some delusional shit about Sheffield Wednesday too though!
  10. We usually play Frickley Athletic and a few other local teams but our manager said he doesn't want to play them and risk the players against non league players who might fancy their chances taking out a professional. Instead of Frickley Athletic and Bradford PA we've got Club Brugge and Bordeaux!
  11. Late kick offs are dangerous when on the ale! From what I can remember anyway...
  12. Here we go: "The reason we were in that position in thefirst place was the buffoon we had in charge up until January where we werelucky if we picked up 20 points. Since losing at Peterborough on 3rdJanuary I think we lost 5 games and were a completely different team. I’m happyto wager you £20 to the charity of your choice that we don’t finish in thebottom 5 this coming season." Sounds good to me, looks like I need to buy a new spacebar on my phone though
  13. Of course! Let me quickly recap what we bet on
  14. Good luck to him, hope he sets the league alight.
  15. I didn't think there'd be too many Roy Essandoh's out there!
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