Cheers... I've already contacted the Sportscene mob to offer my services.
Not a great turnout today, but hopefully through word-of-mouth and improved promotion the event will gain support. Was good chatting to a few folk from here today, and it had a wee bit if a gang hut feel about it.
I've always felt that tv highlights of Well games has been utterly appalling over the years. Now we have the club showing the full 90 minutes and this must be applauded. Sure, it was a bit rough and there was no commentary, but does the lack of this actually detract from the pleasure of watching the Well? The lack of replays was a bit 'unnatural', but once I'd plucked up the courage to grab the remote we were sorted And I'm sure the Beeb wouldn't have shown the 2nd goal quite as often!!! I'm sure there are talented video editors out there that can replace me for the next game!
This was another brave effort by the club to do something a bit different for us Dossers. We all can do a fair bit of moaning about the club and it's often too easy to forget about patting folk on the back. Well done to Diane and the others for putting this together. Don't be disheartened by the low turnout, lets hope those that were there and those that couldn't make it will be back next time with few more mates. And Da', fell free to actually fuckin buy a round next time!!!
Sure I'm biased as hell, but I'm also immensely proud of having a sister that lives and breathes the Well.