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Everything posted by Onthefringes

  1. Tin hat on as I post, considering the rough and tumble formation Inverness will go with, I'd have Malcolm on at full-back long before Lasley. Time will tell.
  2. Onthefringes


    Minor detail in the grand scheme of things, Sports Direct in Wishaw have a few replica Deportivo La Coruna tops in stock. Whilst the top in itself is a step up in the quality we have had of late, the league and sponsor logos are of a material with a rubber feel to it which doesn't last too many washes as the bin lids' Sheffield United kit proved. That sorted, I'm looking forward to what our new partners are offering.
  3. Onthefringes


    I'd rather have a had a replica in similar 1950's materials to the offering by Xara!
  4. Onthefringes


    Amen to that, two god awful attempts at design-a-strip which were hardly exclusive only a season or so ago.
  5. Bet you've been up all night thinking of that one. When did style hit Larkhall? I may be older, I'll still part yer sandy shaws!
  6. Don't believe the hype!!! Not letting the facts get in the way of a good story... gutter journalism at its best - your promotion beckons! Straight to the Daily Retard/Rebel/Rancid* methinks. *delete where applicable.
  7. Shoe Bombers R Us Doh! One of the technical bods get that link to the travel thread working for me? EDIT: Done!
  8. Bearing in mind the heading on the back page differs, where in the article is the quote the club would face any such ban? 2+2=22 in Mr Keevins ideology, great advert for catholic schooling right enough...
  9. Well, there's that and poor groundsmanship...
  10. Eh? Don't have to be anything of the sort to get to the root (no pun intended) of the problems experienced at Fir Park...
  11. Where? Unless it's been installed in the past week, they've only the first generation astroturf up there.
  12. Only section relaid of any note was the goalmouths and in front of the East Stand at its southern end, a little less that quarter of the pitch. This was done mid season when the decision was taken to shut the ground. There is a difference to replacing the turf and re-seeding...
  13. Difficult to defend? When did the Irish become a 'race'?
  14. Not shown on listings displayed on Sky Sports. Although it shows, Scottish Cup R5 replay (TBA) on Wednesday 18th February.
  15. ...since the pitch was relaid last summer Panto season again - Oh! No it wasn't!
  16. Mainstays of the house music scene, eg, Oakenfold and Mike Pickering of Hacienda and later M People fame to name a few have been welcomed to the fold courtesy of Motherwells' resident club/festival promoter. The infamous Ryder and Bez were rumoured to be running about Loch Lomond clad in claret and amber last summer!
  17. Anybody at Fir Park reading this? I'll sort that 'hallowed turf' right out. Need to get rid of those who masquerade as groundsmen North Lanarkshires council cast offs first...
  18. You as well as I do know what is and isn't constructed at Dalziel Park. Your argument leaks like a sieve. Has most stadia not have 4 stands around them? Honest, you lot are doing a grand job. As it resembles a ploughed field, why don't you sow spuds? At least we'll have something to pick up at the end of the season, but, hey, at least a Golf course was good more than 4 years ago
  19. No, that's the Millenium Club. The club offered members each of their seats for £40 on Saturday.
  20. Previous? Generalisations on those who frequent Fir Park. May have been on the previous board, had other posters back up then too. You made a claim of shutting up orange morons outwith the 96% majority you claim agree with your politically correct way of thinking, why? I'd find that ill informed - as you make the case of not suiting your agenda, either a) they form part of a loyal order or b) tango'd by the tango man? As for asking if I am NS loyal flute band... Why? You interested in a booking? Deary me, act your age and not your shoe size. I have no affilliation with the band named or any of the loyal orders for that matter, funnily enough they have as much right to follow our club and voice opinions as you or any of the bleeding heart liberals who think along similar lines on this board.
  21. Without going in to much detail - too many prying eyes/snitches/those who would have their hands stright on the dummy at the thought of outing these 'non' football fans.* Arriving late in Motherwell (suggesting they didn't fancy re-enacting the football factory) unescorted (I wonder why) made their way through the town centre. Appear on Brandon Street attempting to conquer all comers and instead have a skirmish with those left in the pub checking coupons and not actually at the match. Didn't exactly cover themselves in glory, but, if that's the only result they're ever likely to get... *delete as applicable
  22. Not that I'm aware of, there was only two and one was definitely stright from college. At Dalziel park they are/were supported by volunteers from a local organisation in a return to work scheme.
  23. Whilst we've gathered you are either on the groundstaff or related to those who are... your reply has more holes in it than swiss cheese! The undersoil heating installed in areas which have had heavier snow fall this week the length and breadth of Britain have coped admirably, why not ours? Please be reminded that it's not a trick question. The pitch was looking 'as good as it can be'. Although panto season is now officially over - Oh! No it wasn't. Lush green grass, rolled flat perhaps with a slight camber to suit drainage? It's not a mirage I'm seeing - plenty of other clubs are achieving this. A blind man running for his life will see the pitch has deteriorated under the current groundsman!!! I personally do have an idea where that statement has come from - from those in the know and qualified in the subject field. So the head groundsman has been the longest serving, why were the club attempting to recruit the groundstaff from Dalziel Park to replace the current staff? Well, they consistently managed certified grade 'A' surfaces on a reduced budget to that at the 'Ark... Have faith? In what? The groundsman taking a pride in his work? Piss.
  24. Have a word with your source. There was no police presence (I wonder why), hence, why there was trouble.
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