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Everything posted by Onthefringes

  1. It’s a big ‘if’ on the clubs mentioned. I think there’s an over emphasis on the abilities of messrs Goodwin & McKinnes for starters.
  2. Another week yet. Joys of not being involved in the League Cup groups.
  3. Davie Hay still gets the blame in our household for foisting Wallace upon us.
  4. That just isn’t true. You’re not getting the ‘throwback’ element of the remit/design.
  5. What creativity do you need for a ‘Throwback kit’ as the club have marketed it as?
  6. Not convinced until he settled into Scottish football then? Definite step up from where he played with Tranmere. Not convinced it was a baffling decision unless replacing with Efford was unforced.
  7. Not my recollection. This decent football you speak of didn’t win them a game till October of the season past. So by your logic Alexander’s tenure January to April would’ve been acceptable if we’d seen decent football? Not sure I’d say pivotal, wasn’t a regular starter but, had a solid season? Wholly different intensity & scrutiny playing in Dingwall than in Motherwell. Fair to reserve judgement. Like most, I’ve struggled with our teams’ identity for 18 months - it does though align with how his other roles played out. Evolution required. We can do without the poor analogy of who/where fans would rather sign from - consistently trotted out by those salivating over adding players with SPFL experience who have certainly served us no better.
  8. Ross County fans rated him highly? That’s some yardstick. As for the Terrace podcast, that’s little more than satire. Just struggling to see the structure to this signing hence, my comment. Perhaps I don’t pay enough attention to opposition players, he’s been referred to as a standout in some quarters and an upgrade in others. Where do most see him playing? I ask as I’m not sure most understand where he plays or role he’s likely to fill. Stifling my laugh at those screaming quality over quantity yet lauding some of the moves made.
  9. Sorry to take this post in isolation, but, some takes on here since season end are almost beyond parody. You may see some of our defensive options change.
  10. The wrath. For what it’s worth, clearly understand the point you were making.
  11. That’s ridicule. Expect the wrath.
  12. Money invested with Heritage Trust at Dalziel for now to develop Dalziel Park
  13. Certainly the lower of the two quotations above mentioned in despatches at club AGM. Unsure if removal of the front 2 rows of the East Stand to facilitate the works is still the option.
  14. Good. Pleased for you now you’ve got that off your chest
  15. Wasn’t Maths or English taught at our school, it was survival. That shapes you.
  16. Suggest away. There are those who want to know and those who want to believe.
  17. There are those to be ridiculed and debate to be had for those with validity in their posts so reply as such. For the umpteenth time, pointing out why they are wrong isn’t an option in many cases on here to protect where information can be got. It’s not in-the-know, don’t think there is anymore information than others, just better.
  18. And another… Wind your neck in. Never have done the mock team selections & certainly not for fear of ridicule. High percentage posted are nowhere near what those paid to do so select & it only serves to fuel ire at Alexander by not getting with their programme. As for offering differing opinion, I reply in kind. Some of the theory on here is open to ridicule rather than debate given the outlandish nature - smacks of not reading the room at any rate.
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