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Everything posted by Onthefringes

  1. Had read that before - it’s a little economical with the truth in ‘going back’ and how Benfica approached that ideal.
  2. Benfica? Think you’ll find that was part of the elite development set-up at Braidhurst with coaching links. Not the only one of our current crop who were there or will visit in future. He wasn’t the one who won the João Pinto award for the best recruit that’s currently on the books...
  3. Well, he’s not. No game and the reserves are on their rest day.
  4. Having seen him more than most in different match situations - I’m not convinced. Our management teams reaction at a fixture played at Lesser Hampden enforced that belief. in his defence, apparently showing well in pre-season training so inclusion on merit. I just don’t see him in the position he’s been asked to play. First touch isn’t good and passing ability is questionable. He does try to move the ball quickly - just not accurately. Attributes expected of a holding midfielder... Looks as though he'll be playing there and will be this season's player that Robinson will shoehorn in and plenty question. For Donnelly see McHugh last season.
  5. Bit pedantic, but, ingratiating myself with the sycophants on here isn’t in my thinking.
  6. First step up in class of opponent will see him exposed. I’m not sure I even see a footballer there.
  7. Money is in the post kind sir!
  8. Do you engage brain before letting loose? Given your recent attempt at exclusives especially... Reasoning there for all to see.
  9. No. And he never knocked us back...
  10. Family change of heart decision.
  11. He would’ve been saying something a whole lot different if quoted earlier in the week...
  12. So sign him on that finish? Deary me, he launched everything else out the ground.
  13. To play that role, distribution is key. I’d suggest it’s lost if it’s viewed as a long term option.
  14. Your imagination explains nothing of the sort...
  15. Crock of shit. Worse than any of the porridge dribbling I’ve read on here today!
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