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Everything posted by Onthefringes

  1. I’ll bow to your superior knowledge.
  2. I’ve read some sanctimonious pish spouted here over the past week or so, but, this goes beyond the pale. You can't understand any Motherwell fan who would genuinely want us to continue to take in transfer fee's (after going debt-free) and not reinvest some of this in the playing squad? Pray tell me - who has intimated that on here? Definitely a case of quality over quantity for most I’d wager - that’s where realism comes into it for me. By your reckoning - the cutting of the first sod on proper training/academy facilities may not happen as long as we increase the budget for the perceived extra quality and his WAG tramp gets the latest Louis Vuitton handbag. There has to be a balance, they aren’t daft. Our Chief Executive has stated as much. Now up to him and the board to deliver on all fronts.
  3. It’s as if the club accounts are something new!
  4. Was the club not forced into that given some financial mismanagement?
  5. Reserved for porridge dribblers on here
  6. Ain’t going to happen. Hear the ‘soulless’ comment trotted out regularly by those averse to change - it’s not the concrete & steel construction that creates soul.
  7. Fitness tests being held next Thursday
  8. Debatable wether required piling/foundations can be made without affecting existing structures on the site border.
  9. Definitely not in the know. Chinese fortune cookie reveals.
  10. Brace yourself then... As for the County kits, they’ll get away with on occasion - the socks and shorts are on the opposite kits.
  11. I’ll bow to your superior knowledge... Club advised nothing of the sort.
  12. Contract offer to Tanner is a token gesture. Unlikely to partake in top flight football...
  13. Get that ‘amateurs running the club chat’ in the bin. Handled the situation well thus far & making strides to realise full market value.
  14. The format is a crock of shit. Club invited elsewhere and can’t due to fulfilling these fixtures.
  15. Darlo again this year, but, on a Saturday. League Cup format kills potential for some top trips.
  16. Makes you think where we’ll recoup the monies generated previously.
  17. Think the player said ‘tålmodighed er påkrævet’.
  18. Can discount PJ Crossan. Not a bad player, by all accounts. Dumbarton’s sponsors have something lined up employment wise.
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