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Everything posted by Onthefringes

  1. Even by your snide standards that's a shit retort. Expected some more sport to be fair.
  2. Disharmony in the dressing room it is then...
  3. The training pitches don't feature sophisticated sprinkler systems like at Fir Park, you, in your lofty stance should know that. Now had the 'mark Imrie out the game' from 2 different sources involved so no smoke without fire?
  4. Friday morning ONLY was spent on an artificial surface when the facilities were available all week. Gameplan discussed at length was 'mark Imrie out the game'... Worked well right enough. Given the lack of rainfall over the past month, grass surfaces are naturally harder so I'd surmise impact injuries are less likely to occur on the artificial surface - seems our players decided differently and won out. Well, if the manager rarely visits the training field... Oops that's another story.
  5. Or for vicTIM FC... This is how it feels to be Celtic, this is how it feels to be sad, this is how it feels when your sister goes down on your dad!
  6. For today... Inspiral Carpets inspired - This is how it feels to be Accies, this is how it feels to be small, you may have beat Motherwell, but, you've won fuck all at all!
  7. Turning up to training looking like a panda won't help. Requires to show a little humility too I hear...
  8. 2 was it not? Our source has them arriving prior to the Accies match on Saturday. Could get you their flight times if I persisted?
  9. Nae love for him here. Just stated things as they were...
  10. Blighted by back injury, not many kids can boast Champions League experience given his fine performance in Athens. Better than Fraser Kerr will ever be...
  11. Onthefringes

    Well Bois

    I'll wager there's a few in our support who dedicated the recent humiliation of the orcs to the rotund diving one... I know my old fella did.
  12. Onthefringes

    Well Bois

    Hops from the nearby brewery?
  13. There's a Well Society thread all of its own... Back to discussing ins & outs. 2 Dutch lads definitely for development I hear. From a good
  14. Took the stance of not a penny more, would be interested to find if I'm in the minority of original members who have decided same. I too haven't been overly impressed by the way the Society has conducted affairs. The more you scrutinise the dealings with Mr Hutchinson, the dafter & more pie in the sky it becomes. For the life of me, how have those in control of several hundred thousand of other people's money agreed to it? Carried away on this wave of optimism brought by a billionaire tax exile who wants to give a hand up not a hand out... He has agreed timescales for his monies to be returned which in so far, We've missed the first repayment & it remains to be seen that we'll make the other required 2, thus voiding the agreement Were the repayments to be made in a timely fashion, where does the funding to run the club's affairs then come from? No plan B, unless we use the cash on Euromillions entries, bound to get lucky eh? The cynic? Society board cares about the usual suspects getting 15 minutes of fame if the scheme miraculously worked & not a lot else.
  15. Somehow I don't think all our business will be concluded today... Definitely 2 un-named Dutch free transfers arriving prior to the sHamilton Accies match. Ex-Nijmegen, they were on trial with us in the summer.
  16. The fella may be a lot of things, a midnight mass he certainly isn't... Seem to recall Officer Dibble in Dingwall took his shoes off him for evidence & forced him home on the bus in his stocking soles! Not how they treat their snitches
  17. The only teams to have dropped points against Kilmarnock have gone with one up top.
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