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Everything posted by Onthefringes

  1. Well, not chasing an impossible dream would suit me, with any windfall securing the future of the club will be where it's at rather than a return to exorbitant transfer fees and the like...
  2. Real talent? Smuggle some of the class A's you've been necking over to Athens...
  3. Erm, naw. The fellow you suggest was the agent of the goal machine...
  4. Not so sure that's the case... The club made him a very good offer, his wish was that he didn't want to play in Scotland. We can copyright his agent on that score Be disappointed if he did try his luck in Govan though.
  5. Fly out 15 minutes after yourselves! See you in the bar It's the other brother this time.
  6. Sorted. Heathrow/Athens, Monday to Thursday, Hilton Athens £308. Family affair... Father, brother, the bin lid and I. Father baby sitting on Tuesday let's me join the APOP Death Squad (leader has a 22 match European record) in their shenanigans. Game on
  7. Supporters Association long since been a large percentage of our away support... An organisation with not as much voice as they'd have you believe nowadays. What about those who regularly travel aboard the coaches outwith the code of conduct? Guarunteed to be more aboard coaches to this shindig than there is association members on theirs
  8. We can? Loan players are free? Deary me... Take yer nose out that glue bag.
  9. Well, today's Daily Rebel/Ranger has Mr McCall as saying "I look at Steven Saunders and still believe at this stage of his career and development that he would make a better right-back"...
  10. Differing shades of grey when I clocked it up close... Does the camera lie?
  11. Jay, didn't get my discount when I first purchased. Sorted no problems on my return, they require to alter details on the processed ticket placed inside the season book. Job's a good 'un
  12. No problem with that outlook, but, to the detriment of our youth system?
  13. Fair enough. As much as I think he'd be an asset, can only echo the sentiment with regards strengthening other positions though...
  14. Minority methinks. Maybe expand on your reasoning fella? A definite 'yes' from me. The return of Lasley and Hammell to the fold has done us no harm...
  15. “We are calling on all chairmen and CEO’s in the SPL to vote for honesty and integrity. “A clear and appropriate punishment must be imposed on any club who fails to operate in that manner, irrespective of which particular club that happens to be." The game's up folks... Honesty and integrity from that lot? What's the chances they got another behind with the rent QC to pen that up and dropped to the media?
  16. See it as a positive step. It's about making a good team better and forcing change from a position of strength from what I can see. It IS the future for us, it should be embraced such. Although... As much as we've produced in recent times - we still find ourselves a little behind other clubs in terms of structure and in some cases facilities etc. Motherwell currently find themselves outwith the 6 'elite' youth development clubs of which the city clubs of Rangers (who knows what'll become of that shower), Celtic, Hearts, Hibs, Aberdeen (who've just scrapped their West of Scotland programme due to a lack of funding) and St Mirren... Just my input from limited knowledge of the subject. We have others on this board who can offer a better insight into the current pro youth set-up in Scotland due their/their kids involvement. I'd be interested to see their opinion as to how we compare to others.
  17. In a perfect world? Yes. In times of austerity? Only by demand by those of damp underwear it seems...
  18. How come? He'd struggle to get a game at Motherwell Miners.
  19. Eh? Suspect you'll be awaiting that reply for some time... I'm all for transparency in the matter, but, by your logic - being privy to each and every financially sensitive decision taken by our board of directors is a new one and one unlikely to happen.
  20. May be slow on the uptake here... What are your plans if the club vote as you wish 'No' and are defeated by those in chase of the Currant Buns filthy lucre? How will you even know? Don't expect the club will reveal how they intend to/have voted, or a leak to the media... Still punish the club will you?
  21. How do others size up? Likely be down to change the wee fella's. No mistaking the beauty of it mind
  22. Never said it did... Killie supporting fella I had working for me at weekend mentioned it.
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