How astute some of our fans are when describing the Board as amateurs, they are correct. They receive no pay for what they do, so, by definition, they are indeed amateurs.
As to the complaint that the Directors are not experienced on the Board of a football club, I would ask how do you become experienced on the Board of a football club without being on the Board of a football club?
There was a post by David recently regarding the recruitment policy process of the club. Whilst not everyone may have agreed fully with his proposal at least he took the time and effort to put forward an extremely in depth, well thought out and articulate analysis as to what he believed could be improved. Unlike the vast majority of the posts on here which are just negative criticism and could, possibly, at times be classed as bullying and/or trolling.
Also for those who are no happy with the direction the Club is heading, there are a number of possible options available.
Option 1
1. Join the Well Society
2. Put yourself forward to be a Director of the WS
3. Get elected
4. Be nominated to be the WS Director on the Main Board
5. Put forward your proposals for change
Option 2
1. Be asked to join the Board of MFC due to your existing skills
2. Put forward your proposal for Change
Option 3
1 Buy MFC
2 Do what you like as you now own it
Or go with what you currently seem best at – being negative and criticising others.