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real dosser

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Everything posted by real dosser

  1. If we look at the number of members on the site ( 3100 ) and exclude those who have posted less than 10 times we have 2240 members on here . The votes cast so far are only 4.2% for a Newco and 95.8% against. Multiply this up ( I know everybody won't vote the same way but it gives an estimation ) then 122 are in favour of a Newco and 2118 are against. It's a no brainer if the club take fans views into account. The ones who have voted yes will sober up eventually anyway. NO TO NEWCO Mon the Dossers
  2. Is that the same Acropolis thats behind Glasgow Royal Infirmary. ??
  3. Thanks for the memories Craggs. A true professional and wonderful example for any youngster starting out on a career in football. Always welcome at the Ark. Enjoy your retirement. You deserve it. Mon the Dossers.
  4. Congratulations Alan on a job well done. Get well soon.
  5. Don't think Clancy can be brought to book when the ref has already deemed it a bookable offence. I think they can only bring a charge if the ref has missed something and then it is shown on TV to be an offence. Thats how I see it anyway. Mon the Dossers
  6. WEIR McSeveny McCallum Aitken Martis McCann Reid Quinn St John Hunter Weir Giving my age away with that selection but it is easy to pick them if you saw the Ancell Babes Others worth a mention Hugh Sproat Sieb Dykstra Tom Forsyth Stevie Kirk Dougie Arnott Joe McBride Willie Pettigrew Bobby Graham Joe Wark Rab McKinnon Tom Boyd Davie Cooper Jesus C I've seen some cracking players at Fir Park when you look back.
  7. I'm with you on this one Big Stall. Shiels has been good over the incident on Sunday but has been bumping his gums over everything that has F*** all do do with him all season in the Record. Then again maybe someday the Record will hire a journalist who can spell the word. Then again Traynor is the Main man for Sport. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mon the European Dossers
  8. "the possible loss of a few fans over the loss of 10,000 fans and everything else that would go with a Rangersless SPL." When was the last time there was an OF game at Fir Park that attracted 10000 away supporters ???? The Sky deal shafted every team in Scotland outwith the OF. If you follow the gruesome twosome then you buy your season for the home games and sit on your arse for all the away games because you know you will get to see them every second week on SKY or ESPN and even on the good old BBC if it happens to be a cup game. The advantage to our club in terms of support might just be greater than you think if we we were in a position to be challenging in a league without the Govan Rangers. If they get to liquidation and form a new club let them apply to join the SFL the same way Gretna and the highland teams had to do. Mon the Dossers
  9. His alter ego is resurfacing again after the draw at Pittodrie. He has kept his mouth shut for all of the run of wins but now its the fault of the SPL for making his poor wee boys play on a Saturday after they were all on international duty during the week. FFS were no other players away during the week. God knows what he'll be like if somebody beats them before the end of the season.
  10. Can't disagree with the effect Ojamaa has had up top but our return to form also coincides with the return of Jenno in the middle of the park. He has been terrific as well breaking up attacks and driving the team forward. Mon the Dossers
  11. real dosser


    His second half performance was absolutely fantastic. When he goes off on those runs of his he is practically unplayable. Lionel Who ???? Mon the Dossers Mon the Barack
  12. Have already heard from a Celtic fan at work that the Bhoys are planning to do just that at the next OF game. At half time they will remove their shirts and black ties to reveal their party wear. Only thing is I can't remember seeing many well dressed ( ie shirt and tie ) Smeltic fans Mon the Dossers
  13. Aye but he knows real chips when he sees them and disnae like to pay for a sauce with his steak.
  14. real dosser


    FFS used the wee translate button at the top of that page. It makes more sense in Estonian. LOL Mon the Barrack Mon the Dossers
  15. William Hill now have us as 6/1 2nd favourites behind Smeltic 8/13 and ahead of Hearts at 9/1 ( suppose they still have to beat St Johnstone ) Mon the Dossers
  16. Could someone with a wee bit of computer savvy set up an on-line petition regarding the offensive statement regarding our club made by an official SFA employee that we could all sign and submit to the SFA ??
  17. Think "Sunbed" would be happy to get home and take his earring out after the ribbing he took all afternoon from the Well fans. Even he eventually had to smile ( I think) because he knew he was going to get it even more if he didn't. Great performance from every one of the guys in Silver today. Why can't we do it at the Ark ???? Mon the Dossers.
  18. Must admit I thought we were going to get a mural type thing ( along the lines of the Jambo famous players painted onto the walls of the stand at Tynecastle) Went up to see the "unveiling" before the game on Saturday and I must admit I did feel a bit underwhelmed by the outcome. But then again if the O'Donnell family were involved and like the final product who am I to pass comment. Well done to all involved to at least give us a tangible memorial to a great player and servant to our club. Brave as a Lion Mon the Dossers
  19. Tottenmfc I think Sky sports got the stats the wrong way round. Any I've seen give 20 fouls against tne Mighty Well. Thats bound to be right because you know how we always boot the Mould Firm all over the park.
  20. Just read the post about Smeltic having fewer cards than everybody else in the league and it brought to mind a guy who was on one of the phone ins last week who had found statistics somewhere which had worked out how many fouls it took for every team to get a yellow card. Almost everybody in the league get about 6 or 7 fouls per yellow card but the great unwashed have something like 13.5 before a card appears. Seems their continual whingeing last season is paying off big time. Don't know where the guy got the numbers and I presume he is also a bluenose to phone in but it makes interesting reading. I suppose some sad soul could sit and get the number of fouls against each team from the papers and divide it by the number of cards received to see if its correct but I can't be A***d. Mon the Dossers.
  21. Awrabest for the wee man as he joins the biggest rollercoaster in Scottish fitba. Mon the Dossers
  22. real dosser


    Celtic AGM today. Lawell having dig at other half of OF ( whats new there ??) and big scoop in the Rancid about Scottish internationist signing for the Bhoys and Lawell saying they will do everything to weed out the Pro IRA faction in their support. ( Aye right.) Oops he now says it's only the away support and it doesn't happen at the Tattiebowl which means they can't do anything about it. Any publicity is good publicity to them. Even Lennon only said he wants Faddy to go to Lennoxtown and see how he gets on. Big differnce from signing for his boyhood Heroes. Mon the Dossers.
  23. +1 Lets get behind EVERBODY who pulls on a Claret & Amber jersey. Mon the Dossers :thumbup:
  24. Obviously he did nothing with his three opportunities then. How many times was he back helping out the defence at set pieces ?? I ain't saying Higdon was good on Saturday or comparing him to Murphy since they are completely different types of player but I am saying that too many people on here are willing to give Murphy the benefit of the doubt whilst blaming Higdon for everything that goes wrong. I still think that Murphy would benefit just now for a rest. It's beginning to look like Davie Clarkson all over again. Good season / too much expectation / loss of form. Mon the Dossers
  25. Absoluite P**H Not trying to do Murphy down but when exactly was the last time he played well ??? Murphy - blue-eyed boy Higden - Cause of the worlds problems. Geezabrek.
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