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Everything posted by siebsbarmyarmy

  1. Story of our season. Teams don't have to play Well to beat us.
  2. 2-0....! Baws. Marvin misses a few chances. They then score.
  3. He really needs to work on his finishing big time.
  4. Lionel off injured. Limits the wide options further now. Hope it's not too serious. Edit to add, Stewart & Thomson both off injured for Dundee.
  5. Must admit I wouldn't have Clarkson & Taylor on ye bench either. Thomas & Cadden for me over they too, or even Leitch.
  6. one change from last weeks team. Law in for Johnson. Looks like Ripley Law, Kennedy, McManus, Chalmers Ainsworth Lasley Grimshaw Pearo Moult McDonald
  7. Terrible news. Legend is a term used too often in football but not for this guy. Legend indeed. R.I.P
  8. McCall thankfully ruling himself out of contention on SSN. States how fond he is off the club, however Motherwell fans only remember last 6 games and not the 160 before it....! In a roundabout way he declared his interest in the Utd job.
  9. I also agree & disagree. My issue with Lasley isn't his effort, endeavour, age or fitness it's his general decision making at times. Something he has total control over. The guy is a legend no denying it but his general play is what has caused so much space it the middle of the pitch for the opposition, be it wether he has played with Taylor, Leitch or yesterday with Pearo. Against Bolton he sat In front of the defence and done the straightforward simple stuff. What he is good at, a friendly so he reined it in. I'm not writing him off, maybe I just expect more, 36 or not but at the moment he is more of a liability than a benefit. In my opinion of course.
  10. Got to say I disagree with this Andy. I don't feel sorry for Lasley, he has to realise his limitations these days, as although he may still be as fit as a fiddle his timing and decision making is causing more harm than good. Three times he lunged into try and nick the ball away and was a least a yard or two short, causing a player to turn him easily and move into the space he should have been in. Holding a player up or moving them backward would be off more benefit. No one expects the same Lasley off 4 or 5 years ago other than I imagine him.
  11. Went for Ainsworth. For what it's worth I thought Lasley was shite. Complete liability. Constantly diving in and leaving his position exposed. Lucky not to see a red card.
  12. What a difference Pearson makes. Energy and physicality in the middle of the park. Not been great other than that, Skippy very very slack and Lasley really needs to screw the nut. Stupid tackles and running out of position. Distribution from the back has been poor. Oh and the Thistle keeper hasn't had a save to make.
  13. Yassss Pearo is back. 3-5-2 today. Ripley Kennedy McManus Chalmers Ainsworth Grimshaw Lasley Pearo Johnson Moult & McDonald
  14. Got to agree. Stated on another thread and too a friend last week that Taylor will lose Bara his job. He's been a very very poor signing and playing him every game every week has lost a hell of a lot of points.
  15. That articles states it's Robinson and a player who had exchanges.
  16. Name suggested to me was James Fowler of QoTS. Fits the bill for me.
  17. Henrik Larrson is a no for me. I couldn't stand another sycophantic old firm lover with the West Coast media bullshit that's comes with it. No thanks.
  18. Steven Pressley...... Early favourite....!!
  19. Jake Taylor..... That is all I have to say.... He is the player who will lose Barraclough his job.
  20. Very important point that some people are missing....
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