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Everything posted by siebsbarmyarmy

  1. Lennon was a Motherwell player.....
  2. Reading to much SSN in my opinion!! I've also read the article on him today.
  3. Leitch was fit for a few months before the end of the season so has had the chance to watch him enough I would have thought. Hopefully a good pre season and as you say lack of midfield options will see him get his chance.
  4. Noticed that bout Watt with IB aswell. One name he never mentions however is Jack Leitch. Not reading to much into it mind you.
  5. Good man, working perfectly for me.
  6. Twardzik Watt Trialist McManus Chalmers McLean Lasley Trialist Thomas Clarkson Moult Starting line up for tonight.
  7. People are getting worked up over the fact the players appeared to have a jolly last year and not put the graft in. Our severe lack of fitness was clear to see. That has become associated with foot golf. Is that ok for you??? I think the only dense or thick as fuck folk are those who believe we are blaming foot golf on a shite season.......
  8. Completely taking what I said out of context. I didn't blame foot golf on our season being shite. My point is it's good to see them working hard, last year we didn't see it at all over the summer and was evident when Europe & the season started. If you look at the pictures a lot of the work appears to be with a ball. What is it with this site these days as soon as you say something smart arses have to try and bring it down and try and pick faults. Feck me it's getting piss poor.
  9. Looking at the pre-season pics, this is what you want to see. The players bursting a gut, sweating buckets and working hard. Makes a difference from foot golf and corner challenges.
  10. Is that not Wes Fletcher?? Edit to add. Nope it's not I'm talking baws.
  11. Any news on a Goalkeeping coach??
  12. Must admit, everything I read and see about Moult impresses me greatly. A signing I am really looking forward to seeing in claret & Amber. Can't wait for the new season to begin tbh.
  13. As long as we played him central midfield. Think a season in there and he would be a star. No use wide right mind you. Poor guy was like a fish out of water playing there.
  14. My opinion also. I tried to stay out this debate as my opinion may be clouded by personal experience and dealings with McCormack but I find him an incredibly unlikeable human being whilst Faddy is a class act off the pitch. Add to this McFadden done more for this club over a longer period and produced better entertainment. He didn't spend his first season 'injured' then come back and feck off at the earliest opportunity.
  15. Haha with Pearson & Lasley in the middle.... Jeez.
  16. I find it quite refreshing to read that type of optimism. Compared to previous owners/managers negativity... Punching above wer weight.... Kind of chat.
  17. https://mobile.twitter.com/MotherwellFC/status/616325789626277888/photo/1 It's out..... Smashing.
  18. I'm in. Think your still set as a payee in my bank transfers. You got same account and I will transfer £20 over.
  19. Great news about Laing. Things building nicely,
  20. Can't say based on our limited knowledge.
  21. If we want him he's ours for another year, if we dont wont him he goes. Simples.
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