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Everything posted by SteelmaninOZ

  1. Thanks for that. Look forward to seeing the graphics as I was looking at buying a new 'Well top....
  2. Thought that wiz you Joe
  3. It will be tight but am going to stay positive and say we will sneak it.
  4. I agree with we had nothing going forward, holes all over the defence and nobody looks like they want to play. My reply was to what Dewell said "Stuart McCall was a good midfielder but cant hack it as a boss". It seems you trucks ken nothing about fitba so, such an idiotic reply from you is expected.
  5. Ok...you apply for the managers job...and standby for the flak like that above
  6. Aye thats right...but ye might get a nightmare
  7. More fans to come to Fir Park = money = players...
  8. Goal machine on...it will finish 3-4 for the 'Well
  9. How come the fox in the box isnae playing?...somebody step on his tail?
  10. Are you a private in the Plowman Unit of the Claret & Amber Army?
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