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Everything posted by trafficlight

  1. No, not being a mindreader doesn't make you a bad person. Being a tool does
  2. And he does talk some amount of utter shite. Craig Brown is a former Scotland boss so must be an inspired choice . So are McLeish, Burley and Vogts!!
  3. MJC sent me a PM saying he has put fifty quid on 'Well to win 4-0. Isn't that right boss?
  4. The pivotal position in every team is the goalkeeper. No other individual can win or lose a team so many points. Success needs to be built from a solid base, for no matter how much attacking talent a team has, you will always struggle if conceding silly goals. If Ruddy is that good and can be signed, get him.
  5. I heard the news on telly earlier. Good luck to the old timers, they've made a good start, and whilst they mightn't be the most inspired appointment possible, the safe pair of hands tactic has so far been vindicated.
  6. But then you're taking on established wealth and power, Jaun, and they ( in Scotland's case the Old Firm ) would fight such a proposal tooth and nail, and we all know the big clubs get their own way. In England in the pre-Sky era television revenue used to be split 50% division 1, 25% division two, 12.5% each fro divisions 3 and 4. Well, the tv deal the Premier League clubs negotiated upon its inception blew all that out of the water and now the gap grows ever wider. The split of ticket revenue was also changed in their favour. The grassroots is ignored so that ever bigger transfer fees and wages can be paid in the Premier League. The Champions League has further fuelled the divide across Europe. It's hard to see how the clock could ever be turned back when there is so much money at stake. The national assocations and UEFA are terrified of upsetting the biggest players, and the richer and more powerful they become the harder they become to stand against. Football is big business today, and the fans and the grassroots aren't a priority. If the smaller clubs are to increase attendances, they will have to do it alone, because the national associations and UEFA won't want to know about any ideas of redistribution of wealth.
  7. It's alright, big guy, there are plenty of good 'Well fans out there. The guys I met from the forum a while back were terrific blokes, and I don't doubt a 'Well fan on a Man United board would receive similar comments from a small minority. Anyway, I was somewhat surprised by yesterday's attendance, but many clubs find themselves in the same position, particularly in today's economic times. If were an easy issue to solve, it would have been so long before now.
  8. To be fair, if the big yin told me to put out a fag, it would be put out sharpish.
  9. The point about internet hardmen was due to your aggression when asked a straight question. Can't you have a conversation without tapping away abuse on your keyboard? There was no call for it. Your second point demonstrates why I ask questions rather than presuming to know the answers beforehand. It's always better to ask the opinion of those in the know, that way you can learn somthing and avoid drawing ridiculous conclusions on a subject you don't know about, e.g. "prawn sandwiches/gloryhunter".
  10. Now why the personal abuse, internet hardman, and how about addressing the points raised rather than taking a hissy fit?
  11. Yeah, Motherwell isn't a unique case. I know there have been a number of threads about increasing attendances and revenue, but seemingly there are no easy solutions.
  12. I saw the attendance figure in the newspaper this morning and my first thought was how low it was. Was that solely due to the game being televised, and what's more more, can Motherwell survive on such attendances?
  13. Must have been very difficult for them. That's a nice gesture.
  14. Fair point re opinion, though I have no idea who Jim Trott is . However, I've seen baldy Boab enough over the years to see he is anything but a "brilliant footballer". Believe me I have seen some brilliant footballers, but Malcolm is not in that category. He is a million miles away.
  15. No, no , no and again nooooooooooo. NO!!!!!
  16. Are you trying to say he's a fat bastard, no matter what he does?
  17. And we need to add a For the love of God
  18. Sleep paralysis. A disorder when REM sleep occurs during a semi-conscious state. Totally irrelevant to Bob Malcolm, mind
  19. I think that's called disagreeing with a previous point.
  20. Spot on, weeyin. This is the Motherwell section, so isn't the place to discuss it, but yes, it's a real mess and could be catastrophic. Just beat Accies in the re-arranged fixture
  21. A year or two down the line and neither might my own club, the way things are going. Worrying times.
  22. I hope he was given a fitting send off. Well done to all those who went along, I'm sure his family appreciated it.
  23. Thanks, Flow. Would much rather have seen the game, mind.
  24. trafficlight

    Club Shop

    Never had you down as giving approval to a pink strip, Matt. You know you want one
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