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Everything posted by Malky79

  1. Clarkson has also hit double figures this season, 10 in 29 I think. He not playing at a top of the table team like Iwelumo neither does he hit the penalties like McCormack. McCormack has certainly a wee bit more skill about him and Iwelumo is a bigger stronger player but Clarkson is definately not streets behind either. Iwelumo decent championship level player he is I'd jettion completely likes of Fletcher, McCormack and Clarkson are the future. Iwelumo has missed his chance.
  2. Kenny Miller gets a hard time often undeserved and we know he isn't top class but he fairly suited to the role asked of him. I really don't know why he didn't get his shot away, he not a raw youngster. He timed his run superbly took a good first touch and then decided to take another two more? Will never unerstand it but to be fair it was a fairly narrow angle and by no means a sitter, just frustration that he should have at the least been working their keeper and didn't. Agree with MB regarding Clarkson, I have huge doubts over his ability to do the business at international level but in the run outs I've seen him get so far he far from disgraced himself and produced one very tidy finish. He certainly got the work rate to do what Miller does and I'd argue he has a bit more about him in all round play if he were to be partnering someone. Thought McCormack looked ok, certainly wasn't fazed but got brushed off the ball a bit to easily on a few occasions. Looked brighter than most.
  3. Probably Bobby Russell, especially after that goal at Parkhead.
  4. Get in there and sign the boy up Motherwell before his stock rises any higher.
  5. Malky79

    Dundee Utd

    What you mean it was a clear foul on Klimpl!! Klimpl expertly manouvered himself to intercept the ball and Swanson bundled him over as he was about to step away with it at his feet and spring a counter attack.
  6. I don't think drainage is that big an issue for us just now so I not worried about rain but that park looks awful. There is no way we can patch it up again is there?
  7. Malky79

    Dundee Utd

    Swanson according to radio, I didn't see it from best angle but thought it looked worth a shout. Made our goal all the sweeter. Thought we were the better team over the 90, a dodgy spell early 2nd half but we created the better chances but game certainly could have went either way.
  8. Malky79

    Dundee Utd

    Clarky booked for getting fouled from what I saw, arguably twice.
  9. Manager of the month curse, hopefully the loss to hearts might appease that one and we can win on saturday.
  10. Malky79

    Mst Open Meeting

    I can't speak for what Martin rose has done in recent months but the conflict of interest exists, it can't not be seen to exist. He also has a image of self promotion which given he now sits on the board seems to be something he excelled at. Since back in the day of being chairman of supporters association and got himself onto the Supporters National Federation of Football Supporters Clubs or something like that the exact title is being dug up from memory he worked his way from one gravy train freebie to the next and can't help think the trust is just the latest for him, certainly got him a seat on the board.
  11. I don't recall us ever getting a huge crowds for any testimonial in my time so not overly optimistic this will be any different but hopefully he'll get a decent turnout.
  12. How patronising does that sound. First off given the decent money footballers get even assuming the wife/girlfriend has kids to look after I can't see them being stuck at home unless they as timid as mice. Assuming they not got their own career I still imagine there plenty opportunity to meet new people and make friends etc, fair point about possibly missing family but again we only talking moving south to england it not that hard to go up and down have family visting and go back and visit etc. That said further you go the more difficult if you are particuarly close to your family/friends from back home but the homesick excuse always sounds a bit mental to me.
  13. Malky79

    Mst Open Meeting

    Absolutely, I couldn't be fucked going either but I choose not to have a pop at them on public forums. He entitled to his opinions but if you want to be so forthright then saying you just couldn't be fucked going to something where you could have put your thoughts and views across at a meeting designed for that very purpose makes you look a dick if you keep battering in with the often petty sounding jibes.
  14. I spent a much time as the next person thinking about what would be the best set re number of teams in respective divisions and games etc but come to the conclusion that whilst some would clearly be better than others that is all pretty pointless whilst the financial imbalance persists within the game and the fact we have so many different bodies running it all. All gate money should be split 50/50 between teams after costs and all TV money should be equally split at start of season between the teams. The OF would still have the ability to generate extra revenue compared to wee teams but the gulf would be slashed and we might get a league where teams outside of OF if well run could realisticaly challenge for prizes on a regular basis.
  15. All the more reason to make sure we get into top 6 and annoy the fuckers!
  16. So we just glossing over the name thing then, which end of the East stand these boys sit at again?
  17. Malky79


    Never see you wearing it now though, you saving it for next euro trip?
  18. Malky79


    Maybe aye maybe naw. Ok so Canterbury are a bigger global brand but so what, it isn't going to transform global awareness of Motherwell. Who is to say we getting as good a deal with them as we had with Bukta? If there are a big fish compared to Bukta we still very much small fry I doubt we are the cutting edge of their efforts to crack the fitba marketplace! Maybe we are getting a better deal but it not a given. If it a 4 year deal well fine it offers us some security presumably re kit supply and presumably some income. The quality is presumably going to be better, I never had any Canterbury gear but hear they are decent and heard grumbles about quality of Bukta stuff so I not unhappy with the deal but I really think our kit suppliers is a relatively minor deal whose significances isn't much greater than will the new kits be hackett or not. Any grievance is the usual from Motherwell where they say one thing and lo and behold the reality turns out to be something else.
  19. Malky79


    Yeah but you got a lovely red beret out that deal did you not?
  20. Malky79


    4 year deal I wonder how many new kits we'll get in that time. New one next year obviously, be told its for two years and we'll get a change of sponsor and oops we need to change it again. Thing is though say we gonna change kit every year or at least not say it is for two when you can't 100% sure and you'll get some moans but less than being seen to go back on word. I noticed some canterbury stuff in club shop the other week, did wonder at them selling it while we had a deal with Bukta. anyway just glad I didn't hint at getting this seasons top for christmas or birthday now as would have been a bit annoyed thinking it was going to be next seasons top only to find out it wasn't.
  21. Are you mad I was delighted when he left, I'll never forgive him for ruining the best Motherwell team I've ever seen. Albeit I will concede he was somewhat shafted with the bosman ruling but even before that we were well on the slippery slope and he squandered a relative fortune on a bunch of diddies! McLean was a legend, big Terry was excellent for us after that difficult first year which still had great times with beating both OF, cuffing Hearts and the run to scottish cup semi final. The rest are varying degrees of forgetable though Davies has done well since learning from his experiences at fir Park.
  22. I assume it refers to the 86 in 1886 the year our club was formed?
  23. Malky79


    Get Aydilek in, I understand the wishful thinking that he might bring something to the team but given McGhee took him on reccomendation and has he even sat on the bench yet? But what other that sheer clutching at straws hope makes you think he actually will be any good?
  24. Malky79


    1/ Clarkson has never been a goalscorer as his 1 goal in 4.5matches tells you - last season was his best return ever for us - and the vast majority of they goals were created from Rosco, Porter and Shug 1 in 4.5 sounds poor granted but Clarkson has a better than 1 in 3 ratio under McGhee, approx 1 in 2.8. For all the goals created for him he created a fair few for others. 2/The style of play McGhee plays is passing football - and that hampers midfielders chance of goals. Not agreeing or disagreeing but our midfielders do get in and about the area and rarely have a dig. I think they could mix it up a bit more. 3/ Sutton is our teams most proven goalscorer and I think he needs to be utilized more than Clarkson to get these goals. Sutton looks as mobile as a double decker bus at times but he has shown in his career he kows where goals are, not sure why we used him so little since Porter left but I don't think it should be at Clarksons expence. Hope he gets his chance on sunday and takes it as nothing against Sheridan but good, bad or indifferent he a loan player and rather see Sutton settle into the team and do the business than some guy who'll be off in summer anyway.
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