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Everything posted by wellowell

  1. Very good reply from club and doing right thing by not appealing but asking for more clarification on what is and what is not a red card.
  2. Seems Scottish refs only ones using these rules i watch lots of football esp Spain and Premier league as well as in Italy and if Collum and Dallas refed in they leagues would be 2 or 3 sent off every game. When big games in Europe or at big finals come around always refs from these countries about but ours are well gone by then so maybe that should tell them something . Also this season alone heard big players from they leagues giving Thompson and Collum a hard time afterwords and can't argue with their assesements they should just count themselves lucky they don't get them every week.
  3. Inconsistency is what Scottish football is all about Michael Stewart says definite red on sportscene yet in his Sun article he says looked a good tackle to him .After watching Match of the Day on Saturday and last night there is a massive difference between Scottish and English football in regards to tackling just look at Mata tackle yesterday 10 tunes worse than McHugh never even got ball yet was a yellow .Refs up here are self conscious prats who want to be the star of the show and never take a split second to think where down south they seem to give themselves thinking time which imo is the correct way .In England they seem to ask their assistants through link up what they thought but in Scotland red cards are pulled out in mili seconds as don't care what assistants think even if better angle than them.
  4. Is that picture after he won ball as looked like he won ball at game and once again follow through gets player and I for 1 don't know how u can stop yourself once tackle made
  5. If dropping McHugh can't be watching us much as he's a certainty imo Not sure Pearson will start as not trained for 6 weeks up to today so not fit enough to start I think might go Samson Tait Heneghan McManus Jules Cadden McHugh Lasley Lucas Moult Bowman Actually tbh could be miles out with that only time will tell come 11 15 on saturday.
  6. IMO it was Sutton who caused the problem as usual as he said to Craigan he's more qualified than you and Craigan replied no he's not and that is where it all started from .
  7. Crossed my mind with them founded in 1888 but nope got to agree with scoojy took 88 because 8 already taken will I'm sure be the reason .
  8. What's the script with number 88 on jersey
  9. Skippy and Flow both going so at least will get heard but would be amazed if overturned even though I still think it merited a yellow at worst .
  10. Well Flow did say at least 1 so maybe still deciding on that 1
  11. No idea what you expect Well Society to do I'm sure the owners of other teams don't complain to Sfa every time they visit and sing there bile .You have observers at every game it's up to them to report it but as people said nothing ever gets done about it anyway .
  12. Wonder if Magee would consider bringing in Jules at left back on Saturday as Hearts scored 14 headers this season most in league as would give us more height in dead ball situations . Hammell played well last night but all games are different and Hearts are a big physical team .
  13. You can't play against your parent club if that's the deal as Ryan Christie can't play tonight as part of the deal he wouldn't be played against Celtic .
  14. Good to hear club turned down 2 bids for Moult and 1 for McDonald as shows we need them to try and survive and if we manage to hit top 6 will have paid for itself with home games against Celtic,Rangers , and Aberdeen .Im sure Moult will be talked up every week now that he's here till end of season as sure will expect to sell in summer .
  15. Big part of elite status for our academy is players out on loan and we seem to be addressing this as now Thomas,Watt,Mackin ,and Fry out on loan don't think Moore counts due to age
  16. When absolutely necessary we've won again thought same when we were last up in highlands in December at Inverness and these 2 wins are paramount in our bid to stay up .
  17. He stays next to me and I'm sure he was never at Motherwell as have seen him with Celtic gear on but never Motherwell .
  18. All I know is he said a couple of weeks ago was deciding on an offer from abroad as he was out watching Man U /Liverpool game at the time .He was not 100% certain on what he wanted to do so imo certainly not telling porkies he just hadn't made his mind up but things may have changed since then .
  19. There league does not start till October again so sure it won't be there
  20. Motherwell have been in touch with Pearson since he returned from India and offered him a deal but he has been mulling over an offer from in his own words long way away so I was thinking America or Australia as said needed to weigh up positives and negatives . Motherwell not to blame here but neither is Pearson as he has to do what's best for him and his family and that's why taking so long to decide .
  21. Not an ex player but ex coach Gordon Young got a new job as Director of Coaching with Impact Soccer Club over in America starting from next month .
  22. Very unusual transfer deadline day and not a peep out of Flow he's normally on Twitter saying busy day ahead etc etc but nothing .
  23. Doubt 4th official had anything to do with it as Red Card was out his pocket in a milisecond of it happening no thinking time whatsoever .
  24. Seems it's Derek Ferguson s boy and it's the 2nd time he has been sent off against us for a terrible tackle according to Craggs after game .
  25. If Rangers can get Kiernan punch overturned it's worth a go but I agree can't see it being overturned even though I think it was a yellow at worst but if he misses Aberdeen away instead of Ross County away as will miss Hearts game anyway if not overturned it's worth appealing .
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