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Everything posted by stv

  1. Thats it started and its only 20th of July. Its going to be a loooong season. ps. I reserve the right to retract this statement if we get pumped today.
  2. To a plastic recycling firm.
  3. Hes not going to say We have got a big % of this 1.6 million transfer fee to spend so if we approach you or your team about signing double your fee cause we can afford it , now is he.
  4. Thats why it was withdrawn. So not to embarrass that lot that thought it was a good idea . When the votes were roughly counted they have had an indication of the way the votes were going so far, wild sheep done them a favour withdrawing it to save their faces. It was a poor deal from our point of view right from the start and had a bit of desperation for investment at any price about it.
  5. Five pints in and your hallucinating already 🍺
  6. Everyone loves and wants a big ,strong, athletic striker.
  7. stv

    POD Stand

    Nope - a painter
  8. stv

    POD Stand

    Is there a pie stall there or do you have to use the centre one. The facilitys aren't great but there really is no alternative . As long as its kept tidy n clean . Once any work starts it will open a can of worms with what has been hidden from previous efforts,wear n tear and extentions. Recommed to demolish it after that . Where would operations hq be while this is going on. Was a mess last time work was carried out Rebuild would be over 2 years I would recon by time it's knocked down ,cleared rebuilt , kitted out, passed for saftey etc. Knowing us it would probly be more like 3 years. Coat of paint and get youth team to sweep up, wash the bird shite off the seats and fix the burst cushions,would be a start and is about all we can afford just now. I'd rather have a good team on the park than a shiney new soleless stand, still be same pies they would be selling new or old one. 😉
  9. stv

    POD Stand

    Its the real world. No way we can afford to replace itwithout a detrimental effect on the team. Sat there in centre for over 30 yrs. Its dated but there is atmosphere about the place you wont get in a st midden type stand and turnstiles are a disappearing tradition. If yer daft enough to sit in the front row not under cover then u deserve wet feet. Paying extra is worth it for one of best views in the leauge and not having to sit with the riff raff in the east. 😂 Where does OP usually sit
  10. More back peddling than the Tour De France stuck in reverse. Twelve months ago SK was clueless for signing a useless St Johnstone reject , that would never amount to anything If that was the level of player we were signing we were doomed. Thank goodness everyone exept SK was talking shite
  11. Proud to say i have no idea what you are talking about
  12. Aye going to football regularly or having a season ticket for your local club means you get second class citizen treatment at every turn. TV rules the roost now.
  13. They can stick their matchday passes right up their fat cat arses. This company has ruined Scottish football. Not having internationals on normal telly for everyone to watch is awful. Paying to watch a national league cup friendly no thanks.
  14. Good luck to him. He chose to cash in at the right time, bet he’s glad he did . Probably found his level now.
  15. This must be a priority to get to the bottom of all these injuries. It no just coincidence. In depth look at training methods, match preparation, medical and physio teams. The money spent doing this could save in the long term. Something is definitely amiss in this area of the club organisation. Settled team = better results.
  16. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t
  17. Can one of us no just win The Euro Millions Lottery and as a loyal well fan gift the club 8 million. Im sure it would be tax deductible.
  18. Nope , I’m not an owl. Right no more from me , call it a score draw.
  19. Still think yer Clint Eastwood i see. Marvelous.
  20. stv

    New kit for 2023/24

    We would probably fuk that up as well. Couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery comes to mind.
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