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Everything posted by stv

  1. He’s right , played very very well and kept us up the park . Harrasing them til he got tired. Hopefully will be even better against lower opposition.
  2. Can i have two pints of what your on please . 🍻
  3. Like we were, have they been sussed out by the other teams after the first round of games.
  4. Did SK have a hand in this deal , I wonder.
  5. Why should he say anything, hes painted by the media as the victim here. Anything he says will not improve on that position. I thought he would have a thicker skin than that but it was an easy way out for him. He obviously knew he was going up a deadend ,same as his shit run last year was comming with no idea how to get out of it on the park. Can’t wait to hear what Crags has to say about him n his shite tactics now hes away Crags can tell it like it is.
  6. Wee Dougie Imrie sent in 92 of them.
  7. Board couldn't even get a basic statement right . Will they do any better appointing a new manager 🤔 Think we need a manager with a bit of experience contacts and knowledge . Kind of Craig Brown type , last three have been relative novices at the managerial gig. They didn't work out and went the same way. .ie ran out of ideas after a while . The Aussie guy fits the bill but suspect he knows nothing about football in the UK.
  8. Has he actually been to the football and stood or sat beside us abusive peasants before. Or is he always there sat in boxes and corporate hospitallity. His words and ideas don’t seem too grounded to me at all more like boardroom bullshit.
  9. Keeper had a bad case of dropsies... twice
  10. What a stupid fkn thing to say. I take it yer takin the piss. You must be.
  11. But hes been shite for some time now and making stupid basic mistakes. That makes him an easy target.
  12. Don't be daft they were elected to make the best decisions as they see fit with a bit of input from society board probably FFS we will be asking society members to vote on tetley or pg tips for the boardroom tea next.
  13. He's saying that because SK is the only manager in the premiership that would have SOD in the first team I am afraid he's past it after the last injury ,he's probly feeling bad as well he sold the jerseys twice adding to pressure on SK to go. Anyway footballs a big boys game ,or it used to be, a bit of abuse and stick comes with the territory when your a manager. What other job do you resign from cause you can't hack it and get your full contract paid as you leave. We pay hard earned cash in a recession to watch shite like that week after week your allowed to voice your opinion or we would all be sitting with our arms folded nodding politely. I'm still raging at the tone of that club statement re poor SK abuse. It looks like the club is blaming the fans very badly worded and as i said before the press are having a field day.
  14. How does his Maw feel about us.
  15. Leeanne Crighton. She's an expert on all things fitbaw , specialising in VAR , critical tactics, what the tactics should have been after the game has been played , pointing out what players should have been doing and where should have been standing to prevent /score goals , played the game at the highest leval and has contacts in the bbc meeja . She's a total expert sign her up now. Can't be any worse than the last one.
  16. No-one even the players liked my tactics, iv fell out with the fans also the players are now doubting me and I've ran out of ideas or i was getting a bit of abuse it was affecting my family im quitting while im still ahead. What would you choose. Bit like his pressers smoke n mirrors
  17. Personally I didn’t think there was any need to mention it at all . Short and sweet…… thanks for your services , here’s what you achieved at the club , best wishes for future , bye. Why would they issue a statement that portrays the club support in a bad light even in the slightest iv no idea. The press will have a field day with this .
  18. Just read the club statement pretty poorly worded i think, painting the support in general as bad uns . Not what i would expect from high paid officials with clubs interest at heart ,running down the support is the wrong vibe . Should have left it to Kettlewell himself to do that once he had left if he wanted to.
  19. Aye but the ground will be full of people on Sunday who will say thank fuk he's gone sooner rather than later. Anyway SK won’t see the facebook crap as he doesn’t do social media, apparently
  20. How can you expect professional footballers to play in a shite system every week which makes them look disorganised and poor players eg, 5 across the back and 1 striker leading to 3 or 4 shots on goals all game with a terrible possession percentage. Aye three shots all game .They may be thick but no stupid it was always going to came to a head at some point ,seems to have done a couple of games ago. Then add to that SK commits the biggest two mistakes in the managerial the rule book he criticised the fans, then blamed the players in separate post match interviews theres only one outcome there , slippery slide to resignation because the board weren’t ever going to do anything.
  21. Ha , you’re having a laff iv sat there for over 30 years and you would need to poke most of the residents with a big stick to wake them up , never mind them dishing out personal abuse to the dug out. Most games we have just been resigned to the fact we are shite and heads down walked out. He must be referring to online stuff.
  22. He is probably a good coach but not manager material . Too one dimentional with formations and no inspirational flair to go for the win from the kickoff or when we went a goal up against teams we should be going for. His style of football was brutal. His panic buying poor. Still wish him all the best where ever he ends up. Tried his best but ran out of ideas.
  23. Bbc is too interested in Aberdeen ,sorry The Dons, to bother with us
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