Said it before hindsight is a great thing after the event as many previos posts have showen. But fair play to the manager he has to make the calls before and during the game. He has changed things when needed not like the last one,ignoring what was happening in front of him. We need Moult back to uss a bit of guile in the box to turn a half chance pass in the box to a goal.We just dont have anyone else to do it the last two games. Robbo seems to get a reaction from the players as well.Second half at Thistle a prime example. Trying out the youngsters to see if they can do a job now rather than affer the spilt,seems ok . Afterthe spilt when games are vital is no the time to put them in the deep end to see if they can handle first team football. Im confident with Moult back we can beat those teams down in the bottom six with us. Three of them will do.