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Everything posted by stv

  1. Is that all? Have you seen us playing at that shithole in recent years ? Should be 10s at least.
  2. Pass the fukin razor bladesand hold my wrist steady . What a cheery bunch.
  3. Ainswoth needs to get stuck in or even try to tackle once in a while
  4. Should have got down to support the well and saved some money . Iv saw him and hes about as funny as a visit to new douglas park in the rain. Give us a report once youv seen him. Back to the game what I was at. Great first half . Held on to the lead for last half hour to secure three points. More of that every week please
  5. Hope they get a professional to design a proper sign , no like that effort on the phil odonnel stand. What does it mean anyway ? Make it simple please.
  6. Standard issue for him after two appearances im afraid.
  7. That tosser of a linesman on the far end gave a throw in and corner to thisle in the first half when it was obviously ours. Thomson had to overrule him both times, linesman was clueless and cost us the,undeserved, points .
  8. stv

    2016/17 Ins & Outs

    In the good old days they would have started work by then ,now they are student consession until they have been to uni to the age of 23. Then an unemployed connsesion cause they cant get a real job.
  9. stv

    2016/17 Ins & Outs

    Only one shiftyer looking guy than Thomson at Utd that was Craig White at rangers. He is setting it all up so he can walk away from the sinking ship. His father will be turning in his grave. The guys a fud.
  10. stv

    2016/17 Ins & Outs

    And in the end all the talk ,bluster and bullshit made it happen. Looking at comments on here from the financial experts and panic merchants was amusing as well. Hindsights a great thing. Well done the club who had to do the deals with real money in the real world and it seem to have turned out well. Bring on the next game.
  11. stv

    2016/17 Ins & Outs

    Shhhhh . Do they they realise hes only good one game in three against big boy teams.
  12. i think he just wishes he had thought of that question himself first
  13. stv

    2016/17 Ins & Outs

    Aye and i was going to put the winning lottery numbers on last weekend. Never heard of him. I reserve judgement til i see him play.
  14. stv

    2016/17 Ins & Outs

    Get a fukin grip , or get out the house a wee bit more or even get yer hole
  15. stv

    2016/17 Ins & Outs

    Oh yer a fukin tough crowd to please
  16. stv

    2016/17 Ins & Outs

    ^^^^^^ Stalker alert
  17. stv

    2016/17 Ins & Outs

    Can't see the attractions in him
  18. A steamy pile of shit is a more attractive proposition than St Mirren
  19. stv

    2016/17 Ins & Outs

    Well i know that is pure shite with no foundation whatso ever. I can prove it , he left me presents on 25th of December last year.So if it only a rumour or untrue please dont post it
  20. stv

    Fir Park Pitch

    Did it do them any good ?????
  21. stv

    2016/17 Ins & Outs

    Naw, no chance .It would cost more than the shirt to get his name printed on it.
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