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Busta Nut

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Everything posted by Busta Nut

  1. that's what I was thinking I'm unsure of this
  2. either way i'm laughing. (unless it goes to ET)
  3. haha check the tap bit! dancer!
  4. or to chase girls down the street
  5. I'll be keeping the lot! If i win 117million fuck motherwell!
  6. ach well that bet's fooked
  7. asking cos i was checking my open bets on my willy hills account and i clocked this noo I know he's been balls since november but he must have a wee number of goals and he surely should go on a wee run until may?
  8. i don't think clancy's was that bad
  9. If he doesn't wanna get book he shouldn't fly in like a mad ninja with two feet. As mitch says he should went off yesterday. What's with all the Celtic like shite lately?
  10. "Oh fuck here comes Forbes"
  11. We need an option on tere for those who have had a season ticket in the past, don't have one now and will be getting another one
  12. the club probably made more money from the fans in the cooper than they would've if they would've went anyway
  13. to be fair Frazzle has always said he was murder, maybe he's always want a nibble
  14. The Petted Lip in moan greetin face shocker!!! I bet if anyone met him he'd be happy go lucky and the soul of the party!
  15. reynolds playing and they are losing 3-0
  16. I agree he was DECENT enough for us, But he made more mistakes than craigan and never took any flack for it
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