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Busta Nut

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Everything posted by Busta Nut

  1. some belters in there, makes me jealous
  2. what a lot of shite. who cares who was scrappin'
  3. If motherwell are taking ticket office staff to denmark then we have a fucking problem
  4. this must be basically done for this to appear
  5. by well over 13 she means 14
  6. hammerfist is correct. I've been told aff 34 people
  7. some one text me where the game is on. and leave yer name i lost ma numbers, had same number for years though
  8. it's not a chance to play, it's a chance for work experience sewing seeds
  9. who we gettin and when is the games?
  10. i canny wait to see decorators pikchoors. cos i won't be going
  11. I dont like the home kit. why is it brown and green? also the purple trim on the away shorts is disgusting. I think i might throw my season ticket on the park i'm so upset.
  12. HAW'LL!!!! there is a space in there Busta Nut and then it's be Busta Nut's. And I spoke to McGhee's Auntie Janice two days ago when she came in for her purple rinse that's all the rage with the oldies. she said he's gutted
  13. he's the next riquelme. that's why he was released by shite midden
  14. Busta Nut

    New Songs

    naw, do it to the la bamba tune
  15. Busta Nut

    New Songs

    i've a suggestion about a song..... Oh motherwell, is wonderful, Oh motherwell is wonderful.....etc Can we go back to just some fat loud guy burstin' out with the "oh motherwell" part. cos the slow pishy version that is sang now is fuckin pish.
  16. the fact he was terrible. and then we had also not won in like 15 games, thief.
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