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Busta Nut

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Everything posted by Busta Nut

  1. Yassin Viewtoakill was fuckin murder. but mugs on here thought he was cafu
  2. Nae Fans, Low attendances, Club needs more funds etc etc. Where are our fans? oh they are in chicago. For al the games they've gone to in the past I'm dissapointed they haven't cut short their (very very long) time away. With finances very very short we need as many people to attend games as possible in hectic skint times like this, I'm dissapointed our fans aren't here to give their cash up but choose to bleet about over the net. they could always go to chicago in the summer when there is nae fitba
  3. Busta Nut


    Just like nethertonwellfan I also vote yass. He is a legend
  4. I telt yeez it was ronaldo already
  5. Can the two of ye also note that we don't want Jim jeffries anywhere near the club.
  6. I'll be honest with you. I cannot believe some of the pish spouted on this thread.
  7. I too hope Humph can get two crosses into the box every 3 months
  8. Gon yersel mmmmgary. Canny whack living in australia. So I'm telt
  9. I didn't need to. Some one else telt him to fuck off
  10. Ye canny say that. if I don't say it is Yass' fault then the rest of the board blame craggs. Also why was yas not playin? As pish as he is we've nae other RB . Saunders isn't a RB.
  11. I was listening to talksport there and they said the world cup star broony is after is...... Robaldo. Fat buck tooth wan. Guy said that obviously there is not a hope. But that would be the balls of crazy broon pulled that aff .
  12. hah! that was a belter think it took me 2 hours to walk hame from yours
  13. Aye well you also think yassin viewtoakill is a player
  14. Gannon was a lot like McGhee. Spouted a lot of shite but we ignored it cos he was doin well
  15. It is Monday. Madscot had ties in there but edited it
  16. Has this been defo confirmed. Or are yeez just taking my word
  17. Busta Nut

    New Manager

    Has this been defo confirmed. Or are yeez just taking my word
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