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Busta Nut

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Everything posted by Busta Nut

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mehrjwB-hVE
  2. I bought the 5 songs aff itunes there 79p each! then i realised ye can buy them all for £3.49 kick in the balls
  3. I am the most superfan
  4. I heard they canny be arsed with this and have thrown a lot of tickets into the river
  5. what did he do in april?
  6. so half of them are gone? hmmmmm
  7. I heard they are doing this is alphabetical order! Fucked if yer a UVWXYZ
  8. I know of a guy who had entered the ballot, with his family members. they went to the club and where not on the list, complained, and got sold 16 tickets there and then
  9. by the way ma da got sorted this morning, just incase
  10. well ye'd think so wouldn't ye. Just to clarify for you, I don't think we will sell them all out (we might, I dunno) I'd just hate to think ma Da didn't get to see this!
  11. me either, I'm sorted, but I'm actually worried for ma da, I'd be gutted if he was missing oot!
  12. why are you the only one on here who has been contacted?
  13. Aye , The man's the reason I'm a 'Well fan, If he canny get a ticket I might give him mine.
  14. anybody got a spare voucher?
  15. McCart will have a conflict of interest
  16. John sutton is number 11
  17. there is no danger it will be free entry!!
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