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  1. Hutchinson signed a deal till 2014. See the papers are linking Mccall with Rangers, days before we play them. Some things never change.
  2. What was the oint in bringing Hammell on when Las was injured? Surely bring on young Meechan and keep Hateley at right back. Why oh why when we play against duds like Poter, Kenneth, dods etc we play long ball after long ball and make them look like defenders when they are pub players. Bad day at the office for the players and espically the manager.
  3. Not sure about this to be honest. Would rather give the young boys a chance.
  4. Surprise surprise you back up Craigan. He is the weak link of the team.
  5. The Pub managed to show the second half.
  6. Stephen Halliday was some striker
  7. Hopes: To be pished at Hibs, Hearts, ICT and Aberdeen away Expectations: To be in a certain bar in the grassmarket in Edinburgh after Hibs and Hearts away To be in Starka then The Two Chimneys after ICT and Aberdeen away
  8. Back to The Bully Inn after the game
  9. If you do go you'll need to stop spending money on fake addidas trainers
  10. Somebody knows something we don't know. Care to explain?
  11. my mate left at 6-2 but he was working night shift so you can't blame him. my sister wanted to leave at 6-2 bt i told her to stay. I dropped ma phone at the 5th goal, but it was worth it.
  12. in the evening times it reports that we are intrested in Jonny Tuffey who plays for Partick Thistle.
  13. cossiemfc

    Jim O'Brien

    I had a look at the record this morning. Mark Hatley says that Tom can play right back for England. To be honest we know the pitch is bad. I think he is making excuses for not signing a new deal.
  14. cossiemfc

    Jim O'Brien

    Rangers have been linked with a move for Jim in today's Sun. According to Spew Keevins on Clyde 1, Tom Hateley is stalling on a new deal until the pitch is has been sorted. Doubt how much that is true because Keevins talks baws.
  15. Good news that Keith is staying. Wolud be delighted if Jennings signs aswell. Good to see young Saunders has been awarded with a one yeat extension and that the club are talking to Murphy.
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