Disappointed with the loss and a poor performance, but not getting too worked up considering the run we have been on recently.
The atmosphere today would have made you think Falkirk were about to climb above us and put us bottom of the league. Really no need to the reaction as far as I can tell. There have been plently of games this season were both teams have been just as shite as today but we managed to get the breaks and the 3 points. Hamilton, St Mirren and the other Falkirk home game to name a few. Falkirk harried us and got the breaks today, simple as.
We sat down the Cooper end of the East today, because we took my wee sister, and I've never heard so much pish spouted in all my life. The place is full of fucking mutants. King of whom seems to be some c**t who thinks it's hilarious to shout 'shoot' everytime Craigan or Ruddy/Fraser had the ball. That might be slightly amusing first time round but about 10 times during the game is taking it a bit far.
Then when we were trying to keep the ball on the deck, string a few passes together and work our way into the game he was wanting the ball 'punted up the park'. Unsurprisingly when we went long he was moaning to 'keep it on the ground'. He wasn't the only one coming out with that same shite though.
Make your fucking mind up cuntos.
The guy sitting behind me made the comment just at the start of the second half that 'Ruddy better be injured, otherwise that's a waste of a substitution by Brown'.