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Everything posted by Jonesy

  1. You lot should be playing Champions League football by now should you not? Competing for the trophy in 3 years, was that not what Vlad said?
  2. Jonesy

    Willie Collum

    It's not really made much difference in England. They might even be worse now.
  3. We've had plenty of white away strips recently, I doubt it's taken him until this seasons strips to come to this conclusion. Probably more likely it'll become a 3rd kit to allow a new away strip. That was the usual plan until a couple of seasons ago.
  4. Did we find out yet who she's been playing/getting wet with?
  5. Was it not a case of people collecting the stuff themselves from the guys with the boxes of stuff at the top of the stairs, rather than everything already being laid out at each seat?
  6. Does Willie Haughey not still have the sponsorship right this season? He had them last year and gave them up to the government to put the 'homecoming' name to it. Pretty sure he had the same set up this season.
  7. Gok Wan on their side or not, still seems like they are well out of order. Sounds to me like a bunch of dicks that can't dish it out but cannae take it. The type that'll stand and have a go at someone and call them all sorts, then just say 'we're just kidding mate, only having a laugh'. Then as soon as someone says anything back they run off to call their mates for back up and tear into the lot of them.
  8. Paul Harvey has himself a trade. Pretty sure he's a joiner. Seen him on the train a few times heading into Milngavie in the mornings with his tool kit.
  9. Easily. Here's the way I'm looking at it. Something around 7,000/7,500 there yesterday. You can guarentee everyone one of those will know at least one person who didn't go yesterday but will definitely be at the final. That takes it to about 15,000, and that's being conservative about it. Then you start to add ex-pats and peoples families and kids who will all be going along too. It's not long in adding up.
  10. The only prediction I'll me this early is that everyone is well short with their thoughts on our crowd. I think we could easily take 20,000 to this. I hope the club wont be bullied about how to split the allocation.
  11. With his tie round his head, the cup full of booze and 1 shoe missing.
  12. Make that 4, 'cause Wigan are doon. As well as that, Sieb went on to be a prison guard or something along those lines.
  13. Yeah, you're right. Paul McGrillen would've been one of them. Think it was Mowgli who replaced Coyne as manager too.
  14. Pretty sure that, last I heard, Softie had started his own driving school business. Though, was it not him that had a spell as Stirling manager after he left us, signig Buff and a few others from us and tried to take Dougie with him? Dougie refused as he felt he couldn't play against us if we met in one of the cups. That was the year that, sure as shite, we played them in the Scottish Cup and ended up signing Stevie Nicholas off them. Big Buff has been manager at a few junior teams since, I think. Cambuslang Rangers being one of them IIRC.
  15. Agree with SD on that. Jenno is quality. Easily on apar with McArthur, McCarthy, Cattlemole and, I'm sure, a squad full of Centre mids down there.
  16. Well, it was at 5,000 at the guy infront of me and I bought 7, so that makes it 5,011 plus there were at least 6 queued outside so easily 5,017 now. Even better. That's where out tickets are for. They are onto row HH now.
  17. Just out the ticket office. For anyone who feels the need to know, we are now up to 5,000 tickets sold.
  18. Jonesy

    Craig Brown

    Just listened to his BBC interview. After asking about the incident at the end he's asked whether it soured his return to FP and the critisism. Brown's answer was. 'There was a bit of critisism, but not from anyone that mattered either the players or Stuart McCall and his staff.' So the fans don't matter then Craig no?
  19. Jonesy

    Maurice Ross ?

    He took part in the training today. Not sure if anything has been signed yet though. Not his biggest fan, but given our injuries at the moment, he'll do 'til the end of the season.
  20. Wait 'til St. Johnstone have a one on one or clear cut chance a our end and launch them just before they get the shot away.
  21. Craigan's not playing. Probably still wont make much difference.
  22. Fingers crossed they have let their minds drift to the cup replay on Wednesday. Otherwise it looks like it could be another doing.
  23. I'm pretty sure Le Fondre stil has another season on his Rotherham deal. Think the Football League show had a bit about that. They have an agreement he can leave in the summer, but obviously it wont be on a free.
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