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Everything posted by sailor_h

  1. then why not just agree with Yabbas Turd? i hate all this "i know this and you dont, i cant tell you" carry on!!! why say it in the first place!!!!
  2. sailor_h

    Back The Boys....

    Ok thanks. Didnt realise today was a bank holiday.
  3. sailor_h

    Back The Boys....

    Havent been on since last week so someone can delete if this has been answered elsewhere. Was checking ticket info for thur and this confused me "Tickets will be on sale from the Fir Park Ticket Office tomorrow from 10am to 1pm and this coming Fair Monday (9.30am – 4.30pm). Additionally tickets will be available up until 7pm at the Excelsior Stadium on the day of the match but to avoid queuing fans are advised to purchase tickets before hand if possible." Does this mean if we dont get them today then they will only be available at the Excelsior on thursday night? Or am i reading it wrong?
  4. Do you think? Got to disagree with you on that one. If its offered to people then the club need to stay on top of it. Solution? They shouldn't offer it. Remove all name badges, but all the ST seats should have reserved signs, and there should be a few posters up to show non ST's that they are reserved. When someone doesnt renew and the seat isnt taken up, remove the sign (which can be re-used when needed) My seat has a name and reserved, my dad's just has reserved so some people might assume his seat is available as there is no name.
  5. strange, i still stay at home and got one but my dad didnt. fair enough if trying to save money but we dont share the same season ticket so should get separate letters.
  6. Does this mean that all the ST seats and names will up to date? My seat has someone else's name on it and has done for a few years. I wouldn't pay for my name on the seat, just think the person who no longer sits on the seat shouldn't have their name on it. Small complaint in the scheme of things right enough.
  7. sailor_h

    28th March

    I am probably missing the obvious but why is there not a game scheduled for 28th March?
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