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ankles last won the day on September 12 2017

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About ankles

  • Birthday 04/28/1964

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First Team Regular

First Team Regular (6/10)



  1. Wee Union bears fannies spray painted the stadium last night
  2. We're never gonna have a better chance of getting to the group stages . the two legged ties naturally favoured the stronger teams . Anything less than playing at our best and we'll be out but the players have got to give it a go . Knowing our luck , we'll somehow stumble through to the group stages , get a cracking group with glamour teams and be fecked by covid into sitting in the house unable to attend games we dreamed of
  3. Surrounding streets were full last time so we parked in the Stadium car park . Costs a fiver but it was ideal, straight out and on to the motorway
  4. They score they'll be on the track trying to out do the proddy "scenes ' of last week. Saying that , I would love to beat them and send them away with their tails between their legs. Mon the Well
  5. Right, let's see if we have the fight and gumption to stop this mob strolling about doing what they want. Scott Brown decked slyly in the first couple of mins please. Guaranteed those Green Brigade wanks will be on the park if they score. Have to outdo the h**s to keep face. I'd take draw but would love a win.
  6. Might head down to dumbarton on Tues. I'm getting all nostalgic about that nil nil draw on a foggy night in the 80's.
  7. Right, say he'd quit today , give me two realistic names of candidates you think would A...apply for the job and B.. do a better job than him.
  8. I actually met this legend near to Fir Park
  9. I think if we do sell Turnbull to Celtic then i'll be done with the fitba regardless of the fee. This is not a knee jerk reaction but more of a sick of the same old pish for the last 50 years. it'll be like the SFA giving McLeish the Scotland job. Nothing's changed and never will . It's not the selling or the fee that matters most to me but who we sell him to . If Hastie had left for any other club bar Rangers or Celtic our support would have just shrugged their shoulders and went " that's pish" but going to one of those two is not on for all the reasons we know too well. I am not going to spend my time and money watching Turnbull rattling 12 goals a season into us. We stood up to Rangers when they fucked us over in the Play off ticket allocation , we've papped their scummy fans out the Main Stand, now its time to stand up to Celtic and their money. Let's see if a fan based club can do what's best for the fans again.
  10. All this positivity is doing fuck all good for my nerves
  11. Got hospitality with free booze and bets with workmates on Friday night at Hamilton Races so that'll help me get some sleep.Christ knows what my liver is gonna do if we win this cup.
  12. Cannae believe how much I want us to win this game. At the semi draw I was a bit "meh , we'll get Celtic anyway " who cares. Now I would love to win with a replica League cup penalty in our favour with Bowman forearm smashing Scott Brown in their penalty box and falling over, only for the ref to point to the penalty spot and send Broony packing. You can but dream
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