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About manbearpig

  • Birthday 09/07/1989

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  • Interests
    Shagging, a few sports and playing computer games.

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manbearpig's Achievements

First Team Regular

First Team Regular (6/10)



  1. I would love a blue peter badge. I wish I could KNOW things.
  2. I would be disappointed if Hartley left, same with Sheridan and Caddis. They'd all do a job for Motherwell, no bother.
  3. Congratulations on that by the way big man! You've always been Uncle Ryan to me anyway.

  4. Yer old Uncle is back in town! :D

  5. Some of you need to get a fuckin grip. He's the best manager in the SPL, and with him in charge you will definitely keep progressing. This season has been tough in regards to injuries, and with a small squad like Motherwell have, it must have been a nightmare. Fickle... fucking understatement.
  6. Nony!

    Ye have missed yer chance Dear! am off to have durty half sex half maulings with durty english tarts!!!

  7. too true, too true...

  8. Next time. You will be powerless.

    The bear like grizzliness of my person are irresistable.

  9. Aww man. I'm a goon. I missed my chance.

    Forever gtted now... :(

  10. No, no. HMHBP propositioned you with a 'manbearpig sandwich' (amazing, laughed at that), and you said, 'no, no, you're both too young', or words to that effect. I got shunned :(

  11. I never shot you down that night. I even dressed you in my cardi!

  12. Only because I had been shot down!

    My moves are the stuff of folklore though, that be truth.

  13. Hah! You never even tried any of your legendary moves. Gutted :(

  14. Au contrare! I was too young, as was HMHBP :(

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