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Everything posted by Haggischomper

  1. Big John Sutton - man of many boxes!
  2. Ah well, there goes Motherwell's unbeaten pre-season run.
  3. Doesn't have to. He uses Jedi Mind Tricks to get the ball to do his will.
  4. Just Esteban. he's taking the Motherwell first team on single handed. My money is on a 2-1 victory to Esteban with Motherwell only scoring after Esteban gets sent off. Aye, auld joke - so whit?
  5. Not too clear if they mean ALL debts or all debts owed to HM customs, really.
  6. Was pissing myself laughing at that!
  7. Fast booking for Fizzy! What did he do?
  8. "We're the Pride of Europe-shire"
  9. Hard to say for sure from the text but has Humphrey set up both goals? Actually, 2nd one now says Saunders for the provide. Still The Hump has been putting in more crosses than the East End of Glasgow during a Papal Visit
  10. Here you go Blondie! BBC Text Ticker
  11. Fuck me gently, there's no stopping that boy the now!!!
  12. Would the plastic pitches not melt in the blistering heat of a Scottish summer....? Anyways, I think it is a good idea - better to try something new than stagnate to death for fear of trying something new, no? If Summer fitba' doesn't work then we can always switch back in a few years. As for the plastic picthes, I reckon it'll happen sooner or later - and current technology would suggest sooner rather than later.
  13. No, go back and look. She said hoped - as Well fans we ought know that hope and expecation are two totally different things and rarely do the twain ever meet!
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