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Everything posted by Haggischomper

  1. Bastard! You had me fooled and I was quite happily sitting here thinking the week end was a day less away than I thought!
  2. If we could direct some of the hot air on this thread towards the pitch it'd be fine.
  3. No way I'd pay 20 quid to sit in a stadium with paint splashes on the stairs...
  4. Clearly he is referring to Motherwell moving to Ravanscraig
  5. TOO MUCH coffee I think Rammer.
  6. Scotland. Winter fitba' instead of Summer fitba'. Worst winter in 20 years. First year the picth has been laid and will have expected problems as parlayed by the club when it went down several months ago. And they are bitching about the stateof the fucking pitch? Bunch of clueless fucking empty-heided hot-air-spouting windbagged FANNIES. They should stick to doing what they do best - sucking OF cock and drinking David Murray's fucking Kool-Aid. [/stroke-inducing rant]
  7. Should've had three but Humph took the diddy option
  8. When do we change ours to Ravenscraig FC?
  9. +1. Although I am not sure on the glory part.
  10. Don't really mind us losing (well, aye, I do actually) but just so long as we didn't go up there thinking we were Billy Big Baws or soemthing.
  11. I nearly had a tourrette's moment at work, ya bass!
  12. It's not even a case of the glass being half full or half empty, it's a case of the glass lying smashed on the ground.
  13. I only have to suffer it every now and then - seems like randomly the actual game will be blocked for overseas. The Killie game on Sat, for instance. Weeyin sent me a proxy link bit, for some reason, it wouldn't work on my computer. They rip Chick Young on it a fair bit and he gets quite upset so it's not all bad.
  14. Are Allan Preston and Chick Young on it? God help you if they are.
  15. Interesting line-up - I think The Duke is gonna help himself to a few tonight.
  16. Seems a no-brainer to me. The best parts of the year we have for playing fitba' we are actually off and then we play in the dead of winter. There's no logic.
  17. I hope Craggs is learning lots off them...
  18. He's not. Apparently he was ona cruise, which explains why he couldn't easily get away and back again.
  19. Haha, Chick the Dick said it was Sutton! Guy's a useless plank
  20. Fizzy on - first match action this season?
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