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Everything posted by Well-Made

  1. Well-Made


    Sorry but personally I hope he grabs his first two of the season today. No pressure like.
  2. Seen on Facebook that Motherwell have apprently knocked back a 2nd bid, thought to be from Sheffield Wednesday. Don't know if someone is putting two and two together with the stories in the papers or if it's official.
  3. Devlin is out on loan, so what does that say about McCall, evey player he has brought in this season has been a defender and he lets one go out on loan. We're crying out for a replacement for Jenno without that replacement we'll lose some of the ceativity of Law. There's also a piece saying McCall is still hopeful of tying Faddy to a short term deal, starting to sound like this is definitely a little bit of PR before Liverpool\Hearts take over the back pages.
  4. If Faddy was sign a 2 month contract he wouldn't be able to sign for anyone else until January, so doesn't make sense. As for the issue of freebies, if a player is without a club when the transfer window shuts he can be signed as a freebie outwith the window. Hence why clubs will release players on the final day of the window, if they aren't going to play a part in the forthcoming season. Otherwise they are lumbered with them until the next window. As no self respecting player is going to leave a club knowing they can't sign for anyone else until the next window and so have no income for that period.
  5. Would be good but we'd have to be taken him on a 3 year contract at £2k a week. Then add in clauses. Minimum sell on fee in the 1st year is £600K Faddy gets 40% Club gets 60% 2nd Year 500K Faddy gets 50% Club gets 50% 3rd year 300k Faddy gets 60% Club gets 40% Sorted
  6. Daily Record website says that McCall is looking for an experienced midfielder before the window shuts.
  7. Looks like we'd need to pay a fee for that one as he's transfer listed, so we should dodge that one.
  8. Had a look there to see what Centre Forwards were free and some of their stats suggest to me they could be done under trading standards for pretending to be strikers. Some of them haven't hit the back of the net in 3 or 4 years.
  9. Seen this on twitter earlier.
  10. Just got told that I can have tomorrow night off. Sods couldn't have left it much later. Now need to head through and get tickets. Looking forward to it tomorrow now. C'MON THE WELL!!!
  11. This will be him then. Wiki Should we take this as a hint that Randy is away shortly? Stewart apparently said he left Morton for regular football elsewhere.
  12. McCall hopes to give Hutchy and McHugh some game time tonight after they came through training okay.
  13. The Partick game is tomorrow, behind closed doors.
  14. In the last week I have seen Sandaza, Black and Jennings being linked with them. Apparently Black has said he is still willing to play for them in the 3rd Divsion. Why would any of these players thing playing in the 3rd Division is going to serve their careers any good. If they romp the league, it's what was expected. If they don't they'll be slated as not being good enough. Sevco can't be making noises about making office staff etc. redundant then going out and paying these guys the wages they'd be expecting elsewhere, surely? Or are we now going to see a new form of cheating from them?
  15. Best of luck to the .
  16. If we get relegated we know that the SFL must be allowed to vote us into either the Division 1 or 3 though. There has been a precedent set for that now (I know we'd still get the the Third, if we were allowed to get that far through the election process) I don't think anyone should really be worrying about relegation this season, it should just be a case of aiming as far up the league as possible. I have been a little disappointed with remarks coming from Celtic about the likes of St Johnstone, Dundee Utd, Hearts and Aberdeen challenging for 2nd and no mention of us. However having lost Craggs and Jennings and not being able to replace them I can see why we may not be looked on in that ilk. I think we'll look at selling maybe 2 players during this window. One to help offset the costs of Sevco not being in the SPL and the other to give a bit of leeway to replacing them and bolstering the squad. I do admit though that there might also be a third needed. As long as we finish the season that's all I care about at this minute. I am not bothered if we do finish 11th or 12th. The higher the better obviously but the survival of the Club comes first. It's a Brave New World in the SPL, lets pray now all the clubs that are left in it, including Killie, pull through and show how competitive the League can be out with Celtic. It could be that we get a club do a Motherwell from last season and push them for a bit.
  17. I can see your point but they'd be voting on something that hasn't happened yet. Just like Motherwell didn't want to reveal how they'd vote prior to Oldco going into Liquidation. Going by today newspapers the SFL vote may not be required. Then again that could just be Green trying to put doubt into the minds of thiose that have already said No.
  18. Is today not just for the SFL Clubs? I though the SPL Clubs voted tomorrow, the 4th of July. Read yesterday that the SFL don't need to vote today as Sevco haven't officially been rejected by the SPL yet. Once this has been done, they need to call a meeting for the vote to take place. Requires a minimum of 5 days notice, so the earliest the SFL will vote will be Monday.
  19. Those that sacrifice so much, should never be forgotten. RIP.
  20. From the Sunday Mail. Here Looks like they'll get expelled then. That way they'll then come back into the League clean. It's time we all got behind the Spartans bid and say Fuck off to the SFA and Rangers.
  21. I am starting to think that Steelboy is just fishing for a response. He keeps getting told the truth but still digs out more of that same old bait.
  22. We have enough players at the club that we can possibly get money for at this stage. Randolph, Hutchison, Murphy and Law for starters. Would imagine any combination of Randolph and a.n. other would be enough to cover what we would lose out on. With their wages free, enough to bring in replacements, not necessarily of the same quality granted but every club will be in the same position. The good thing is we don't have to sell them until after the qualifying ties in Europe. Then if we were to scrape our way into even the Europa League, who knows maybe for this season we wouldn't have to sell. I can always dream. However a No vote has to be done, they wouldn't give two hoots if it was us in the situation.
  23. Thanks for that. Thought old age was catching up and my memory going.
  24. I'll disagree with it to a point. Although I will start with an apology, as I was sure that Ballantyne had already acquired what was left of Airdrie Utd before he bought Clydebank's share in the SFL. Which would've meant really that Airdrie bought them over. I do agree that they are a continuation of Clydebank. However they already had a place allocated by the SFL. Rangers are a club in liquidation that have no right to be "relegated" to the Third Division as has already been pointed out elsewhere there is no path allowed for that between the SPL and the SFL. It is only due to what the SFL relate to as the Settlement Agreement that allows for promotion and relegation for the winners of the 1st Division and the bottom club of the SPL. This is why Rangers have to apply to the SFL to join the Third Division but one of those criteria is supposedly for 3 years accounts. Otherwise what was to stop Gretna 2008 just taking over Gretna's place, which would've been classed a Newco? So they still just can't walk into the Third Division. they need to go to through a full application and voting. Which would also allow for the likes of Spartans to apply if they so wished.
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