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Everything posted by Well-Made

  1. Your original point doesn't really stand though. They don't necessarily start in the 3rd Division if the same rules are applied. Airdrie bought Clydebank's place, no other club has been allowed to stay in the SFL as a Newco.
  2. So Airdire get liquidated and are only in the league because they bought over Clydebank. Then they moved Clydebank and renamed them. This allowed them back into the SFL and Clydebank were no more. If a Newco could've been started and granted access to the SFL, why didn't they go down this route? One explanation I have heard is that one of the criteria for access to the SFL is 3 years of accounts. If this is indeed the case, Rangers shouldn't even get into the SFL. Gretna, bust and liquidated and kicked out of the SFL. No option for setting up a Newco in the 3rd Division. So if Rangers do get into either the SFL or the SPL it's definitely case of one rule for two and one for the other 40. Doncaster said that clubs in England start as Newco's all the time without punishment. Darlington have just reformed as Newco, leaving there debt with the old company and have been relegated 4 divisions. No matter what the Doncaster\SPL\SFA\SFL think precedents have already been set. It should be a resounding No to Newco in the SPL. The SFL should say No on grounds of criteria not being met. The SFA should save everyone the hassle and go for the option that was open to them first time around and expel them from Scottish Football. As for Doncaster he needs to start negotiating the best deal he can get with Sky\ESPN or tell them to go stuff themselves and bring football back to the masses. By Masses, I mean those of us that care about Scottish Football, not the Blue nose types who believe they have a given right.
  3. Confirmed Gary Warren to Inverness.
  4. That's have been a peach of a goal.
  5. Well-Made


    Started as a sub. Doesn't look like he got on. Sky Sports
  6. BBC Scottish Football Gossip says
  7. The reports last year when he was signed last year, he was signed as an amateur because of this. It worked out that it was going to be a fair whack that would have to paid.
  8. Sorry Jay, I wnet back into edit and went all gobbleygook on me. So it's been removed. I know what you are saying though but it was decided that last year that these guys were good enough to have around for another year to develop. Without game time they aren't going to develop too much. I still Halsman and Lawless should definitely be kept on. We could lose a lot of experience from the team, especially in the middle of the park, so I'd rather we had soem lads about that weren't just straight out of the U19's to bolster the bench. There is the U20 League kicking in from next season that will allow a couple of over age players to play in it, so they still have a chance of being kept match fit and developing. I will be disappointed though if it turns out that we only offered these lads a years extension last year so they could sit on the bench. If we are as strapped for cash that we're cutting back again this year, thne you want to make sure whoever sits on that bench is up to the job of coming onto the park and playing a role.
  9. Can only agree with the comments above. Thanks for the service and the memories Crags. Hope you'll be involved at the Club in the future. Good luck with what you do in the meantime.
  10. Heard on the radio there that £12M gets you in the door but they need another £5 to 6M to see them through the close season. Then there's the money they'll need to start paying out when the season starts. Without the Champions League it looks like whoever goes for it is going to need a minimum of £30M just to start.
  11. Well done MJC, however I can't help feel that unless we make the Group Stages and at least beat Barca, you'll be back on the same subject in 6 months.
  12. I knew there was someone missing!! Just couldn't think who. Sorry Ross!!
  13. For me it's been the pairing of Jenno and Las if either one is missing we have struggled at time. I've voted for Las as the only difference between them has been the goals. However I'd like to give a special mention to Darren Randolph Lee Hollis Tom Bradley Tom Clancy Stevie Hammell Tom Hateley Hutchie Crags Stevie Saunders Nicky Law Steven Lawless Omar Daley Chris Humphrey Jamie Murphy Henrik Ojamaa Higgy Jonathan Page Bob McHugh Stewart Carswell Adam Cummings Jamie Pollock If there is anyone else I missed I apologise but all of these players have played some part in what is turning out to be a memorable season. Well done to all.
  14. Gaag, My Maw's best mate's, firends daughter told me she wouldn't tell anyone else!!! And she got it straight from the horse's mouth down at the stables wink: wink:
  15. I have been to the Docs the day and he has diagnosed me as having a case of the MJC's over the weekend. Thankfully he has now given me medication to control it. As a result I do believe, we'll get there. Looking at the post split, Las will miss the Celtic game but will be available (hopefully) for the rest of the games. Lets make sure we have our best players available.
  16. BBC Scottish Gossip says:
  17. I just feel with the form Utd are in, St Johnstone have just strengthened their front line by adding Derek Riordan. We're starting to look like a tired side that can' seem to step up for the big games. We've now got 6 of them coming up and we need the players to up their game again.
  18. All I have heard this week is how Celtic's bottle seems to crash in big games. I think our players bottle has gone. Realistically 2 maybe 3 wins is all we need to see us over the finishing line. I had hoped the first of those would've been last week but wasn't to be. We had a chance to grab a point today and they switched off. All that said, it was one of the better performances against them in a long while.
  19. Well-Made


    Randolph and Humph for me. Randy gets it for stopping us getting a hammering.
  20. It's been reported that they are for 3 months or when Rangers come out of administration, whichever is soonest. It sees them through to the end of the season, if still in admin.
  21. Liquidation Was reading the BBC yesterday and they brought up a good point. If Rangers went into liquidation and got voted back in. How could the SPL refuse any other club that decided to the do the same? The way I see it is even if they were to change the rules, there'd be some smart ass lawyer out there that could find a way round it. Or a valid reason to sue. We could see a new Rangers, Celtic or Hearts every few years. From some of the other stories I've been reading, if the SPL were to reject them. they could apply for entry into Division 3. Every Club that has applied to join Division 3 has been asked to provide 3 years worth of financial records etc. How can a new company do any of that? The only option that should be open to them, is to do what Airdrie did and buy another club, move it to Ibrox and rename it. They have cheated for years the rest of us, both by buying and paying players they couldn't afford. By having them on 2 contracts, they've cheated again. If the SPL, SFL and the SFA don't stand up and grow a set, then their mugs. The SPL chairmen involved can expect to see a reduction of fans from their support. After all why should we the paying punter continue to accept that the best we can ever hope to get is 3rd in the League, because we are willing to let clubs away with cheating. The SFL Chairmen, Clubs and their fans will continue to see the SPL as only looking out for themselves and not the rest of Scottish Football. This could in effect reduce the SFL crowds further. If Rangers get to join the SFL, how many punters are going to want to turn up watch their team being pumped by a team that would do a Gretna. Any reduction of their own support, even for a season could be hard for them to get back once the cash cow leaves their league. If the SFA try to force the SPL or the SFL to let Rangers join, it will only prove that Celtic fans don't have paranoia. Simple fact is that Rangers have knowingly cheated for years and the only reason it has come out now, is because of administration. The worse thing about this is that some in the media have known about the double contracts and other things that have now come out for at least a year, they'll say sat on it for legal reasons, I say they tried to hide it rather than bring an institution down. The Administrators I am going to be watching very carefully over the next few days or so on how the Administrators at Port Vale deal with the club and redundancies. Someone behind the scenes at Ibrox, appears to be pulling the administrators strings. Every other club that has been placed into administration, has had the administrators in charge of every decision from day one. Yet the administrators brought in by Criag Whyte, do not appear to be doing this. Redundancies at every other club in Scotland and England, have been made within the first few days or at most a week. I appreciate that they have been trying to get a handle on where all the money CW brought into the club has gone but from the time the news broke that there was going to be redundancies, it's taken almost a fortnight to get where they are today. It's been one excuse after another from them, "We won't announce anything just now because of International Football" give me a break, there'd be nothing to announce because the players wouldn't have been there to tell in the first place. So that first week was just a "we must be seen to doing our jobs" If they were anything like they should have been they'd have told the players concerned over the phone, we know that all administrators have been heartless bastards , if you listen to some of our ex-players being told by a young girl. Then they have the audacity to sit down with the players and put a deal to them. If the player says no, surely it should be "there's the door" not "okay tell me what you're looking for and I'll think about it" Then the there's the stories appearing in the paper from our own Government, Rangers Football must survive. Others declaring that the administrators can't sack too many players as it devalues club - If they don't do that it puts more behind the scenes staff at risk surely, but they aren't exactly involved in the success of the team on the pitch, it's only the players and management that matter, I forgot!! Another one I saw yesterday was if the administrators sack the 11 or more players, it will cost the new owner £20 million pound to replace them, your having at a laugh at that one. At the end of the 3 months or when Rangers come out of administration and these wages go up again, it's going to cost them £12 Million pound a year shortfall that they aren't bringing in at present. Okay they may well sell some on, but knowing how desperate Rangers will be for money, do you really see McGregor getting sold for anywhere near the £9 Million previously quoted? Sorry for the rant but it's been a long time coming, I have also taken the information only from what I am reading or hearing on the news, I haven'[t even began to look at any of the non-news media on this. Some of you may agree with all of this, some of this or none but it's my thoughts on how this whole diabolical shambles of a situation has occurred and has been handled. I'm not going to start on the whole debate of Rangers needing to be part of Scottish football to survive as I already said my piece on that when they wanted to move to England and my view hasn't changed.
  22. Well-Made


    Henrik by a whisker from Higgy. He won the 2 penalties, chased after lost causes all night.
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