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Everything posted by brisbaneMFC

  1. Mr T don't do no long-haul, FOOL.
  2. ... and we bounce right back. They'll do. If they can get short term results, great, if they stick around, very nice.
  3. Fair enough the parting company bit if there is no commitment, but it isn't likely to help raise the current form with no manager in sight (or is there?) Much is it a week, then? I'll stand in until we get someone new. I'll need a wee tartan rug and a thermos of soup.
  4. If you take a very small detour past the statue of Sherlock Holmes on Picardy Place, then a right - the Rapido on the top of Broughton Street does Garlic Fritters which are great.
  5. We were all in there before we skelped Hearts in the Cup a few years back. Not bad drinking establishment that. If you're feeling particularly bolshy before the game, you could take a wee stroll into the Penny Black.
  6. We looked half asleep at the start of the second half.
  7. I look forward to getting a photo of his foot on my phone.
  8. I for one welcome the opportunity for us to pump all those diddy wee pub teams in foreign airts and pairts. Real - Shite. Barca - shite. Easy.
  9. Not the most inspiring. Great goalkeeping though. Great.
  10. I'm pretty sure you could sneak a tipple on.
  11. Or you don't live local any more and can find a stream on the internet, sit at home drinking tea?
  12. Can't mind dates. Was an alright journey though - sleeper, then Eurostar. The Eurostar was down to a single tunnel, so I ended up late in Paris, bought a new ticket to Metz and got the local service from Metz up to Nancy.
  13. French beer is pish, but if you hold your nose and squint at it, you can drink it.
  14. We should wear the pink goalie strip. Inf act, we should dig out the old neon-green efforts and wear those with the pink shorts. Hopefully Utd's eyes will be so sore they won't see the silky passing game going on around them.
  15. we looked pretty convincing, I thought.
  16. Fuck this carry on. F-Section Knitting Circle #1 Knit one, purl one, stitch that
  17. Petrol blue strip would be nice though. Or a string vest one, for all those hot European countries we play in.
  18. Which causes me to diverge a wee bit. See when people say animals only see in black and white - how on earth can they know that?
  19. I always think of petrol blue as a blue-grey, but some images look a bit turquoise A pertrol blue with C&A detailing, either hoop or sash, with a badge with gold detail, could look the business. Ideally with no sponsor stuff. Cheapens it to a billboard.
  20. Because this is a debate about how our club is perceived in the media and whether it is acceptable to the rest of the support. Close the thread if it is tiresome.
  21. I get that point. However, I was there, just along from yourself. I know what was sung, what wasn't and what I thought shouldn't. Initially it was amusing stuff but I personally feel it went a bit beyond the pale. We've come off worse in the media. They don't miss a chance, so this was a nice ball into an unmarked goalmouth.
  22. Regardless of what one small section of fans intended, they've really succeeded in pissing off other Motherwell fans.
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