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Everything posted by Lobey_Dosser

  1. Nah, we done well to steer clear of they two Hibs muppets. Mehmet - I hope not!
  2. Spot on mate. Precisely the reason why we should hold onto him until the end of the season. Textbook professional.
  3. What did I say? Get in Porter my lad!
  4. Coming of the M8 at Newhouse tonight I thought there was no chance of the game being on due to the thick fog. Clear as day down Motherwell though. Porter to grab a goal the night. Get intae them.
  5. Did he not have a shocker of a red-card incident in his Clyde days? Just the tip of the iceberg I believe. Seemed a sound guy to talk to though.
  6. From working up in Lanark, nobody ever had a good thing to say about Imrie. Wank by all accounts.
  7. Done and dusted? I'll be pleasantly surprised if we have pulled that one off. Thought he was destined for Dundee United.
  8. Game against Celtic at Fir Park just a few years ago, think its when Ross Wallace got kicked in the arse. Wednesday night and I juked work early to head to the Pub. Only found out Clarky's own goal had been disallowed when I returned to the Horseshoe. No idea what the score was actually, maybe 1-1?
  9. Don't know why but I was thinking about Killen on the way to work this morning. Would prefer to see Porter stay until th eend of the season. Given the state of Hibs defence I can't think of anyone I'd take.
  10. A topic that is certainly worthy of research. Done.
  11. Unbelievably quick year. Thoughts are with his family.
  12. I actually dont sense a rift whatsoever. The lads have just endured a massive loss in confidence consequent to our dramatic fall from grace. Bring a character like Dailly into the dressing room and we'll soon be back to winning ways.
  13. Lappin, Dailly and Stokes would do nicely.
  14. Quinn and Porter by far our best performers.
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