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Motherwell Football Club

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Everything posted by Motherwell Football Club

  1. I agree, He came on in that position against Rangers at Ibrox and played well. Although, I think he needs to be in the centre. I think he tries his best but has very slow overall pace. He makes great use of the ball. Often when tracking back he is filling another players postion, due to other players compensating for his lack of pace. Think he is one of the best team players we have.
  2. One player who has rarely been used properly. Kind of guy who should be played in front of the defence. A more mobile Keith Lasley.
  3. Brown and Knox, inspired choice? I think so. Also, Keith Lasley, see maybe once in a while, want to play a ball for one of your wingbacks to run onto? Like, before they've made the run and had to backtrack 'cause you've fannied about doing a wee pirouette. Think everyone had a decent game.
  4. What, the pish first touch when he took the knock that led to him going off? Should have been a free kick. Ref was horrid at times today. Motm - Coke
  5. I predict. Humphrey will come on, run really fast and threaten to score.
  6. Aye, forgot you are the purveyor of all good banter.
  7. Having a high salary doesn't make you over rated. it makes you over valued.
  8. Should you no be away petrol bombing black mens motors? Do you no get harrased off the poofs? Ye know, for dressing up like Paul O'grady?
  9. Just wondering why you went to the effort of doing them with fake sponsors etc... but put the League sponsor logo in?
  10. Naw, it isn't. I wasn't even on about the spelling. You can spell it however you want. But its Humphrey. Humphrey's taking a huff because people don't say his name properly. Thats 2 down.
  11. His name is Humphrey. Not Humphreys or Humphries. FFS.
  12. Hahaha, Belter of a song aye. Shame we never had a MAR-I-OS Klimpl. In one game Marc Fitzpatrick showed up Klimpl for the shite he is. And Leitch, who was much the same player, hadn't been away that long. I enjoy having a team where I don't expect a player to get sent off every game.
  13. How come when i put Klimpl in my worst ever XI it gets slated but now he was overrated? Still, Klimpl for me though. Ran about like a headless chicken. Kicked folk for no reason when we were trying to avoid any cards. Then there is the fact that he was injured for 5 months but people still couldn't wait for this Slovakian superstar to play. Aww aye, he scored a goal once and chopped James McCarthy.
  14. Confused much? 2010-2011 would be the 125th anniversary. Petrol Blue 2012-2013 would be 100 years of claret and amber I think?
  15. Following on from UBH's ideas and the suggestion of a 125 year celebration kit.
  16. After all the complaints that were made this year a one off would definately help people part with their cash.
  17. Refined the 'Cantona Collar'. Was doing 'radical' designs when I realised, give the people what they want
  18. Photoshop/Illustrator are being c***s. will fire a few efforts up tomorrow. Got a nice goalier top in mind.
  19. Voted option 5, but I have been wrong in the past.
  20. The saves? No offence but he hasn't made any saves that say to me he is a greater shot stopper than Buzz was.
  21. I'd have rather taken my wee cousin. He is only 5, so that must be inspired. He is an up and comer after all.
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