The other day a colleague at my work and I were talking about football and why we support the teams that we do. She said that she loved the fact that Celtic was started by a priest as a charity to help poor catholic children and had a strong sense of it's Irish history and then she asked me why Motherwell FC had been started?
I thought for a moment and said that there were two teams in Motherwell Glencairn and Alpha FC and they join forces to form Motherwell FC.
But this wasn't good enough for he and she again asked why had they started the club, what reason did they have, was it for charity, religion or money?
To be honest I wasn't sure what to say but then I realised what the answer was and I told her they just wanted to play football and it was nothing to do with religion or charity.
It was a bit of a guess on my part but it has made me wonder if I was write and from what I've read I think I was right.