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Everything posted by AllyMax

  1. That Ross Co keeper has saved them from an absolute pumping tonight.
  2. Wish we could hear Adams in the County dressing room right now 🙂
  3. FEEEEEEED THE BAIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. PEN .....unless VAR rules it out.....
  5. Brilliant finish by Bair......shame about the flag.......
  8. I'd put money on KVV being in the press in a few weeks time complaining about the plastic pitch.
  9. Doesn't make you a bad guy but it ignores the fact that in the last 5 games we've taken more points than our relegation rivals (with the exception of Aberdeen) and more points than at least one top 6 side.
  10. And you know for a fact that Miller is on his way back from a bad injury that kept him out for weeks. Or does that not matter to you ?
  11. There's only one idiot on this thread (not true actually, there's at least three). You'd put a bunch of guys who arrived some time over the llast three days into the starting line up ?
  12. Nothing new on the Spittal/St Mirren rumour ???
  13. And they're based in Paisley so the drug dealing is probably pretty lucrative too.
  14. The arse end(s) of Ally McLeod were a toss up with Watson but aye, pretty horrendous stuff. If forums and Steelboy existed at that time, it would have been a right laugh 🙂 On the upside, Hay coming in gave us the best section of a season ever, 7-0, 5-0, fucking over Hearts to stop them coming up.......but was it worth the crap that went before ?
  15. Poor guy needs a first half hatrick when he starts and even then there will be cunts on here saying he missed the easiest one.
  16. According to wikipedia, we got £350K for him !
  17. I'm hearing they're currently working with the legal department to tie up KVV on a three year deal with 80% of his salary being bonus payments for goals scored. My source is, like yours, reliable. i.e. I made it up.....
  18. Not the worst player he ever signed. Shivute's double at Ibrox in a 2-2 draw was worth signing him for. He was a bit raw and sometimes ran the ball out of play, but he was nowhere near the worst player we've ever had or even the worst signed by McLeish. Even when he signed decent players he made shit deals for them.
  19. 100% Agree mate. McLiesh bought Roddie (a left winger) before he'd even put his foot in the door. Why do that when you have the best attacking left back in Scotland at the time ? First mistake and he only went downhill from there. Bought some amount of shite and made some terrible deals along the way.
  20. Yes, and he kept us up the season McLiesh left to go to Hibs when we were in danger of relegation. Not arguing that he signed some crap players, but probably no more than most other motherwell managers. He inherited a team containing some of the trash from the back end of McLiesh's tenure. He did also sign guys like Doesburg, who stayed with us long after Kampmann left. Not arguing he was a great manager for us, but he was a long way from being the worst. Can name at least 5 in my lifetime who were a lot worse.
  21. Rubbish......not even close. Kampmann ket up a team in freefall that the idiot McLiesh had managed to assemble at massive cost (around 2.5 mil was spend by the big ginger twat in his efforts to get us relegated). The following season actually started alright and the wheels came off when Boyle took over and appointed Nevin, who then became Kampmann's part time boss and part time subordinate. No wonder results went to shit and he walked.
  22. And if we don't sign anyone will that be the end of him too ?
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