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Everything posted by AllyMax

  1. Inevitable linking with the Hibs job to come next.
  2. Only thing I have left of my Subbuteo stuff is my 'Melchester Rovers' team. Should have kept the Motherwell ones really. Had a few from the all amber with claret trim of the early 70's.
  3. Right, so I've noticed that every time I gob off about team selection or our chances, prior to the event, I'm always 100% wrong and end up looking like a tit. So, I'd just like to state on record that that team selection is shite and we'll get humped.
  4. Boy will need 2 games for everyone on here to say 'he's not good enough for this level'
  5. Really lucky not to lose another there.
  6. We're in for a pumping. back to not being able to string two passes together and inviting endless pressure on ourselves.
  7. Unwatchable for me so far....and I mean the stream lagging rather than the quality of football.
  8. http://www.hesgoal.com/news/92340/Dundee_FC_vs_Motherwell.html
  9. I've been more critical than I would normally be of a manager and was a bit of a doom monger after the St Mirren and h*n games and was very anti 4-3-3, but if you watch the difference yesterday, at the first goal for example, the midfield was pushed right up to the edge of their box and the strikers were in the box. That's a totally different kettle of fish to the team against St Midden where where the defence was in their own box, midfield at the edge of the box and strikers on the half way line. Defending in numbers is fine, but going forward in numbers is equally important. So, I was prob OTT with my criticism and doom mongering and yesterday was an absolute bastard joy to watch :-)
  10. So you fully believe we can give opposition teams 70% possession and 15-20 attempts on goal on a weekly basis and come out on top more often than not ??
  11. Big plate of words and hats for dinner tonight. Yum :-)
  12. Another 90 mins of having the penalty box peppered.
  13. So, persisting with the crap formation, taking the only footballer out of midfield and leaving a badly underperforming centre half at left back..... I'm not a sack the manager type normally, but this guy is a fucking idiot. (Will happily eat my words/hat if required).
  14. I don't think they have generally, just being used badly.
  15. AllyMax


    Exactly, we've run out of luck. We didn't 'dominate' any of the teams we've beaten this season and pretty much everyone has dominated us in terms of possession and chances. We were just lucky enough to have taken the couple of chances we had, while they didn't. If you spend 70% of every game frantically defending in and around your own box, then it's going to back fire more often than not. The better footballers in the side like Watt must be frustrated as fuck with being asked to get on the end of long balls and draw fouls and a centre forward like KVV must wonder why the fuck he's being asked to collect ball on the halfway line and the touchline constantly. It makes no sense.
  16. For 42 mins they were still all over us, the difference was they didn't take any of their chances, so if 'how you wanted it to go' was camped in your own penalty box and breaking up the park 3 times in 42 mins, then he's right. It was going well.
  17. AllyMax


    I said on another thread, I heard a pre-match interview where he said that 'Even although the last couple of results hadn't gone our way our stats were amazing and that gives us confidence for today'. That is just delusion, plain and simple.
  18. I agree with this, we have a better quality of player than last year (although we don't have a working mid like Campbell) but Alexander's dogmatic approach to formation and surrendering of possession and only defending inside the penalty area is sheer madness. Players like KVV , Watt and Roberts will score goals if you deliver them the ball in areas they can score from, not when they get it on the half way line or out on the touchline, that's not where a centre forward should be. Starting every week with a heavily outnumbered midfield is also madness. If Alexander thinks he can mould these players to do what he seems to want to do is fantasy. This is not a reaction to this game, it's more a reaction to the last few, where teams like St Midden have played us off the park. Even the games we won this season, we've been out played for long periods in them and scored one or two on the break.
  19. We don't have the players to play 4-3-3 and that was even exposed in the early part of the season in the league cup games when we were outplayed by lower division opposition. Persisiting with it is madness.
  20. Agreed. At least the cunt won't be playing next week now.
  21. Why in the name of fuck would a player (Goss) turn side on when supposedly defending a shot ????
  22. On a side note, heard Alexander interview on the radio before the game and he actually said "The last couple of results didn't go our way but our stats from these games were amazing and gives us positivity to take into the game today". What the actual fuck ??
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